

英语中常见的肢体语言 to hold one's head high 昂首挺胸(表示趾高气扬) to shake one's fist 挥动拳头(表 *** 胁) to shake one's head摇头(表示不知道) to show a V sign 这一手势是祝愿胜利或庆祝胜利之意。

to wink at a person 向某人眨眼睛 to shrug one's shoulders 耸耸肩膀(表示冷淡或怀疑) to make a face 面部露出厌恶的表情 to keep(or have) one's fingers crossed 把中指叠在食指上交叉着,作十字状。这是暗中希望上帝保佑自己正在做的事成功。

to crook a finger 朝某人弯曲食指,是招人过来的意思 更有趣的是英美人用大拇指(thumb)做出许多不同的表示。


1. List the top 5 countries where English is used by most people?A. United Kingdom (Britain), US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland (any of those 5 would be fine)2. Who's the head of state of Australia?A. Queen Elizebeth !!3. Which are the major parts of the United Kingdom?A. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland4. How is the British prime minister elected?A. The leader of the majority party in the House of the mons.5. What's the usual orientation of maps in Australia?A. North at top, South at bottom, East on the left, West on the right.6. What's biggest river system in Australia?A. Murray-Darling7. What are the only egg-laying mammal in the world? Where can you find them?A. platypus, Australia8. What's the biggest mountain range in New Zealand?A. South Alps9. How is the US president elected?A. In general election held every 4 years.10. Theoretically, how many years can a US president stay in office at most?A. 10 years (2 full terms plus less than half of a full term)11. Which 4 presidents' head can be found in Mount Rushmore National Monument?A. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt12. How many states are there in US? Which is the biggest in size?A. 50, Alaska13. The 5 big lakes in North America is also known as the North American Mediterranean. Give their names.A. Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario14. Why the weather in Britain is warmer in the winter pared to other places with similar latitude?A. The Mexican Gulf Stream brings warm water.15. Which party controls the Senate and the House in US?A. Democratic controlling the Senate, Republican the House, 16. How many members are there in the Senate and the House respectively? How are they distributed among the states?A. Senate: 100, 2 from each state House: 435, based on population17. How did US get Alaska?A. bought from Russia18. Which is the city at the mouth of the Mississippi? What happened to it several years ago?A. New Orleans, flooded by the famous hurricane Katrina.19. What's the 2nd biggest city in US?A. Los Angeles20. Who was the previous governor of California?A. Arnold Schwarzenegger。





阿尔巴尼亚(ALB)阿尔及利亚(ALG)阿根廷(ARG)亚美尼亚(ARM)澳大利亚(AUS)奥地利(AUT)巴巴多斯(BAR)比利时(BEL)百慕大(BER)白俄罗斯(BLR)巴西(BRA)保加利亚(BUL)加拿大(CAN)智利(CHI)中国(CHN)哥伦比亚(COL)克罗地亚(CRO)古巴(CUB)塞浦路斯(CYP)捷克(CZE)丹麦(DEN)埃及(EGY)西班牙(ESP)爱沙尼亚(EST)芬兰(FIN)法国(FRA)英国(GBR)格鲁吉亚GEO)德国(GER)希腊(GRE)匈牙利(HUN)印度(IND)伊朗(IRI)冰岛(ISL)以色列(ISR)意大利(ITA)日本(JPN)哈萨克斯坦(KAZ)韩国(KOR)沙特 *** (KSA)拉脱维亚(LAT)立陶宛(LTU)卢森堡(LUX)摩洛哥(MAR)马来西亚(MAS)墨西哥(MEX)蒙古(MGL)纳米比亚(NAM)荷兰(NED)尼日利亚(NGR)挪威NOR)新西兰(NZL)波兰(POL)葡萄牙(POR)朝鲜(PRK)波多黎各(PUR)罗马尼亚(ROM)南非(RSA)俄罗斯(RUS)斯洛文尼亚(SLO)瑞士(SUI)斯洛伐克(SVK)瑞典(SWE)泰国(THA)中国台北(TPE)土耳其(TUR)乌克兰(UKR)乌拉圭(URU)美国(USA)乌兹别克斯坦(UZB)委内瑞拉(VEN)南斯拉夫(YUG);国名、地区名与缩写Afghanistan阿富汗(AFG)Albania阿尔巴尼亚(ALB)Algeria阿尔及利亚(ALG)Andorra安道尔(AND)Angola安果拉(ANG)Armenia亚美尼亚(ARM)Argentina阿根廷(ARG)Aruba阿鲁巴岛(ARU)Australia澳大利亚(AUS)Austria奥地利(AUT)Azerbaijan阿塞拜疆(AZE)Bangladesh孟加拉国(BAN)Barbados巴巴多斯(BAR)Bahrain巴林(BRN)Belarus白俄罗斯(BLR)Belgium比利时(BEL)Bermuda百慕大(BER)Bolivia玻利维亚(BOL)BosniaandHerzegovina波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那(BIH)Botswana博茨瓦纳(BOT)Brazil巴西(BRA)Brunei文莱(BRU)Brit。

VirginIslands英属维尔京群岛(IVB)Bulgaria保加利亚(BUL)Canada加拿大(CAN)Chile智利(CHI)China中国(CHN)Colombia哥伦比亚(COL)CostaRica哥斯达黎加(CRC)Croatia克罗地亚(CRO)Cuba古巴(CUB)Cyprus塞浦路斯(CYP)CzechRepublic捷克共和国(CZE)Denmark丹麦(DEN)DominicanRepublic多米尼加(DOM)Egypt埃及(EGY)Ecuador厄瓜多尔(ECU)England英格兰(ENG)Estonia爱沙尼亚(EST)Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚(ETH)FaroeIslands法罗群岛(FAI)Finland芬兰(FIN)France法国(FRA)FYRMacedonia马其顿(MKD)Georgia格鲁吉亚(GEO)Germany德国(GER)Greece希腊(GRE)Guernsey根西[(GCI)Honduras洪都拉斯(HON)HongKong香港(HKG)Hungary匈牙利(HUN)India印度(IND)Ireland爱尔兰(IRL)Iraq伊拉克(IRQ)Iran伊朗(IRI)Italy意大利(ITA)Iceland冰岛(ISL)Indonesia印度尼西亚(INA)Israel以色列(ISR)IvoryCoast象牙海岸(CIV)Jamaica牙买加(JAM)Japan日本(JPN)Jersey泽西岛(JCI)Kazakhstan哈萨克斯坦(KAZ)Kenya肯尼亚(KEN)Kyrgyzstan塔吉克斯坦(KGZ)Latvia拉脱维亚(LAT)Lebanon黎巴嫩(LIB)Libya利比亚(LBA)Liechtenstein列支敦士登(LIE)Lithuania立陶宛(LTU)Luxembourg卢森堡(LUX)Macau澳门(MAC)Malawi马拉维(MAW)Malaysia马来西亚(MAS)Malta马尔他(MLT)Mauritius毛利求斯(MRI)Mexico墨西哥(MEX)Monaco摩纳哥(MNC)Mongolia蒙古(MGL)Morocco摩洛哥(MAR)Namibia纳米比亚(NAM)herlands荷兰(NED)herlandsAntilles荷属安的列斯(AHO)NewZealand新西兰(NZL)Nicaragua尼加拉瓜(NCA)Nigeria尼日利亚(NGR)Norway挪威(NOR)palestine巴勒斯坦(PLE)Panama巴拿马(PAN)PapuaNewGuinea巴布亚新几内亚(PNG)Paraguay巴拉圭(PAR)Peru秘鲁(PER)Philippines菲律宾(PHI)Poland波兰(POL)Portugal葡萄牙(POR)Qatar卡塔尔(QAT)Romania罗马尼亚(ROM)Russia俄罗斯(RUS)Rwanda卢旺达(RWA)SanMarino圣马力诺(SMR)Scotland苏格兰(SCO)Seychelles塞舌尔(SEY)Singapore新加坡(SIN)Slovakia斯洛伐克(SVK)Slovenia斯洛文尼亚(SLO)Somalia索马里(SOM)SouthAfrica南非(RSA)Spain西班牙(ESP)SriLanka斯里兰卡(SRI)Sudan苏丹(SUD)Surinam苏里南(SUR)Sweden瑞典(SWE)Switzerland瑞士(SUI)Syria叙利亚(SYR)Tajikistan塔吉克斯坦(TJK)Thailand泰国(THA)TrinidadandTobago特立尼达和多巴哥(TRI)Tunesia突尼斯(TUN)Turkey土尔其(TUR)Turkmenistan土库曼斯坦(TKM)Uganda乌干达(UGA)Ukraine乌克兰(UKR)UnitedArabEmirates *** 联合酋长国(UAE)UnitedStates美国(USA)Uruguay乌拉圭(URU)USVirginIslands美属维京群岛;(ISV)Uzbekistan乌兹别克斯坦(UZB)Wales威尔士(WLS)。


1.一般情况,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds

2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches

3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries

4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives


man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice

child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese

不可数名词的复数就是原型: paper, juice, water, milk, rice, tea


(1) 有生命的东西的名词所有格:

a)单数后加 ’s 如: Lucy’s ruler my father’s shirt

b)以s 结尾的复数名词后加 ’如: his friends’ bags

c)不以s 结尾的复数后加 ’s children’s shoes

l并列名词中,如果把 ’s加在最后一个名词后,表示共有, 如:

Tom and Mike’s car 汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车


Tom’s and Mike’s cars 汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车

(2)表示无生命东西的名词通常用“ of +名词”来表示所有关系:如:a picture of the classroom a map of China

(情态)动词can,must, should 后面直接用动词原形。


1. I / He / She / They can sing.

2.You should keep quiet in the library.


一般现在时:I play football.

一般将来时:be going to…/…will …句型: I am going to go to school.

(打算、将要) It will be windy in Beijing.

一般过去时:I bought you a book. We went to the park yesterday.

现在进行时:be+动词ing 句型:I am doing my homework.


Do you …? ( Does he/she …? ) Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. ( Yes’ he does. / No, he doesn’t. )

Have you got …? ( Has he got ? ) Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. ( Yes’ he has. / No, he hasn’t. )

Can you …? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Is there a book? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.





what用来问物品 译为“...是什么?”when用来问时间 译为“......是什么时候?”who 用来问人 译为“......是谁?”which 表选择 译为“哪一个......”how要看具体搭配单独用作疑问词。

1 问身体健康等情况。

2 问天气状况。



二、 与其它形容词或副词搭配使用

1.how old问年龄、年代。

2.how many问可数名词数量。常将可数名词复数紧随其后。 3.how much询问不可数名词的数量、物品的价格。

4.how long提问物体的长度、时间的长短 5.how soon 对 “in+一段时间 ”提问, 表示“多久之后”

6.how often对表示频率的副词或短语提问。7.how about用来征求对方意见。

8.how far 问两地间的距离how tall问人(树)的高度;how heavy问重量;how wide问宽度;how high可以询问建筑物、山峰高度。


how funny the little boy looks! 这个小男孩多有趣啊!

how beautiful the flowers in the parks are! 公园里的那些花多美啊!


how far is the factory from here? 车站离这儿有多远?(疑问)

how far the factory is from here! 车站离这儿多远啊! (感叹)




12个单元音:长元音:/ɑ:/,/?:/,/?:/, /i:/,/u:/短元音:/?/ /e/ /i/ / ? / /∧/ /u/ /?/

3.词汇:词汇量,近反义词4.句子:大小写,标点符号I 询问姓名、年龄。(复习代词)

1, ----What’s your你叫什么名字? ----My name is ________. ----我叫……。

2, ----How old are you? ----你几岁了?- ---I’m 12. ----我十二岁。

II 询问颜色。(复习颜色类词,颜色与心情的关系等)

1, ----What colour is it? ----它是什么颜色的? --It’s yellow and white. ----黄白相间。

2, ----What colour are they? ----它们是什么颜色的? ---They’re green. ----绿色的。

III 询问数量或价钱。(复习数词)

1, ---How many kites can you see? ----你可以看见几只风筝?--I can see 12. --我可以看见十二只风筝。

2, ----How many crayons do you have? --你有多少支彩笔? --I have 16. --我有十六支。

3, ----How many people are there in your family? ----你家有几口人? --Three. --三口人。 name? ----

4,--How much is this dress? (expensive,dear/cheap ) 这件连衣裙多少钱?-It’s ninety-nine yuan.

5, -How much are these apples? -这些苹果多少钱?--They’re thirty-five yuan. ---三十五元。


that’s = that is what’s = what is where’s = where is

it’s = it is he’s = he is she’s = she is

I’m = I am you’re = you are they’re = they are

isn’t = is not don’t = do not let’s = let us



1.black---white 2.yes---no 3.come---go 4.open---close

5.here---there 6.big---s 7.long---short 8.tall---short

9.new---old 10.fat---thin 11.right---wrong 12.hot---cold

13.hungry---thirsty 14.eat---drink 15.man---woman 16.boy---girl

17.father---mother 18.brother---sister 19.son---daughter 20.grandfather---grandmother


1.too---two---to 2.for---four 3.right---writ 4.no---know

C.人称代词 I you he she it we you they

物主代词 my your his her its our your their

I 询问姓名、年龄。

1. ----What’s your name? ----你叫什么名字?

----My name is ________. ----我叫……。

2. ----How old are you? ----你几岁了?

----I’m 12. ----我十二岁。

II 询问颜色。

1. ----What colour is it? ----它是什么颜色的?

----It’s yellow and white. ----黄白相间。

2. ----What colour are they? ----它们是什么颜色的?

----They’re green. ----绿色的。

III 询问数量或价钱。

1. ----How many kites can you see? ----你可以看见几只风筝?

-------I can see 12. ----我可以看见十二只风筝。

2. ----How many crayons do you have? ----你有多少支彩笔?

-------I have 16. ----我有十六支。

3.-----How many people are there in your family? ----你家有几口人?

-------Three. ----三口人。

4.-----How much is this dress? ----这条连衣裙多少钱?

-------It’s ninety-nine yuan. ----九十九元。

5.-----How much are these apples? ----这些苹果多少钱?

-------They’re thirty-five yuan. ----三十五元。

IV 询问时间或日期。

1. --What time is it now? ----现在几点钟?

-----It’s nine o’clock.It’s time for English class.九点。该上英语课了。

-----It’s eight o’clock. It’s time to go to bed. 八点。该上床睡觉了。

2.--What day is it today? ----今天星期几?

----It’s Monday. ----星期一。

----What do we have on Mondays? ----我们星期一上哪些课?

----We have Chinese, English, math …----语文、英语、数学……

3.----When is your birthday? ----你的生日是什么时候?

------It’s October 1st, our National Day.---十月一日,国庆节。

4.----When do you do morning exercises? ---你们什么时候做早锻炼?

------I usually do morning exercises at 8:30.--我们通常8:30做早锻炼。

V 询问方位或地方。

1. ----Where is my toy car? ----我的玩具汽车在哪儿?

-------It’s here, under the chair. ----在这儿,在椅子下面。

2.----Where is the canteen? ----餐厅在哪儿?

------It’s on the first floor ----在一楼。

3. ---Where are the keys? ----钥匙在哪儿?

------They’re in the door. ----在门上。

4.--Excuse me. Where is the library, please? 对不起,请问图书馆在哪儿?

----It’s near the post office. ----在邮局附近。

5. ---Where are you from? ----你从哪儿来?

------I’m from China. ----我从中国来。

6. ---Where does the rain come from? ----雨是从哪儿来的?

------It comes from the clouds. ----它是从云层里来的。

VI 询问想吃的东西。

1.----What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ?


------I’d like some bread and milk / rice and soup.


2.----What’s for breakfast / lunch / dinner?---早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么?

------Hamburgers and orange juice. ----汉堡包和橙汁。

VII 询问天气状况。

1.----What’s the weather like in Beijing? ----北京的天气如何?

------It’s rainy today. How about New York? 今天是雨天。纽约呢?

------It’s sunny and hot. ----今天是晴天,天气很热。

VIII 询问身体状况或情绪。

1. ----How do you feel? ----你感觉如何?

----I feel sick. ----我觉得不舒服。

2. ----What’s the matter? ----怎么了?

----My throat is sore. / I have a sore throat.---我的喉咙疼。

3. ----How are you, Sarah? You look so happy. ---你好吗,莎拉?你看起来这么伤心。

----I failed the math test. ----我的数学考试没有通过。

IX 询问职业、身份或人物。

1.----What’s your father / mother? ---你的父亲 / 母亲是做什么的?

----He’s a doctor. / She’s a teacher.---他是一名医生。/ 她是一名教师。

2.----What does your mother / father do? ---你的母亲 / 父亲是做什么的?

---She’s a TV reporter. / He’s a teacher. He teaches English.


3.----Who’s that man / woman? ----那位男士 / 女士是谁?

----He’s my father. / She’s my mother. 他是我父亲。 / 她是我母亲。

4.----Who’s this boy / girl? ----那个男孩儿 / 女孩儿是谁?

----He’s my brother. / She’s my sister.--他是我兄弟。 / 她是我姐妹。

5.----Who’s your art teacher? ----你们的美术老师是谁?

----Miss Wang. ----王老师。

----What’s she like? ----她长什么样儿?

----She’s young and thin. ----她很年轻、苗条。

1.So + be/助动词/情牵动词/主语

前面陈述的肯定情况也适于另一人(物)时,常用到这种倒装结构,表示"另一人(物)也如此。"前面陈述的否定情况也适于另一人(物)时,常用"Neither/ Nor + be/助动词/情态动词+主语。"这种倒装结构。


2.Turn right/left at the first/second/…crossing

这一指路的句型意为"在第一/二/……个十字路口向右/左拐。"相当于Take the first /second/…turning on theright/left。

3.It takes sb.some time to do sth


4.…think/find + it + adj. + to do sth


5.What's wrong with…?

此句型相当于What''s the matter/ trouble with…?后跟某物作宾语时,意为"某物出什么毛病了?"后跟某人作宾语时,意为"某人怎么了?"



在so…that…复合句中,that后的句子是肯定句时,常与简单句…enough to…进行句型转换。

7.Sorry to hear that

全句应为I''m sorry to hear that. 意为"听到此事我很难过(遗憾)。"常用于对别人的不幸表示同情、遗憾之意。

8.There be 结构


eg.There are twenty girls in our class.have也解释为“有”但是与there be有区别,它的含义是“所有,属有”,其主语为某人。eg.I have a nice watch。

b.There be 结构中的be动词要和后面所跟名词保持一致。

c.There is a river near our school。

否:There is not a river near our school。

问:Is there a river near our school。

回答:Yes, there is. No, there isn't。


1. be动词的变化。

否定句:主语 be not 其它。

如:He is not a worker.他不是工人。

一般疑问句:Be 主语 其它。

如:-Are you a student?

-Yes. I am. / No, I'm not.

非凡疑问句:疑问词 一般疑问句。如:Where is my bike?


否定句:主语 don't( doesn't ) 动词原形( 其它)。如:

I don't like bread.


He doesn't often play.

一般疑问句:Do( Does ) 主语 动词原形 其它。如:

- Do you often play football?

- Yes, I do. / No, I don't.


- Does she go to work by bike?

- Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.


否定句:主语 don't( doesn't ) 动词原形( 其它)。如:

I don't like bread.


He doesn't often play.

一般疑问句:Do( Does ) 主语 动词原形 其它。如:

- Do you often play football?

- Yes, I do. / No, I don't.


- Does she go to work by bike?

- Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.

动词 s的变化规则

1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks

2.以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes

3.以“辅音字母 y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies


1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。

2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我天天六点起床。

3.表示客观现实。如:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。


1. be动词:主语 be(am,is,are) 其它。如:

I am a boy.我是一个男孩。

2.行为动词:主语 行为动词( 其它)。如:

We study English.我们学习英语。

当主语为第三人称单数(he, she,it)时,要在动词后加"-s"或"-es"。如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。

1、肯定句:是指用肯定的语气来陈述的句子,如:I’m a student. She is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

There are four fans in our classroom. He will eat lunch at 12:00. I watched TV yesterday evening.

2、否定句:含有否定词或表示否定意义词的句子,如:I’m not a student. She is not (isn’t) a doctor.

He does not (doesn’t) work in a hospital. There are not (aren’t) four fans in our classroom.

He will not (won’t) eat lunch at 12:00. I did not (didn’t) watch TV yesterday evening.

☆注意☆ 小结:否定句主要是在肯定句的基础上加上了否定词 “not”。有动词be的句子则“not”加在be后面,可缩写成“isn’t,aren’t”,但am not 一般都分开写。没有动词be的句子则要先在主要动词的前面加上一个助动词(do,does,did),然后在它后面加上“not”,你也可以把它们缩写在一起如“don’t , doesn’t , didn’t )。这三个助动词要根据人称和时态来选择,其中“does”只用于一般现在时主语是第三人称单数的情况,而“did”只用于一般过去时,不论主语是什么人称和数,都用“did” 。


如:Are you a student? Yes, I am / No, I’m not.

Is she a doctor? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

Does he work in a hospital? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

Are there four fans in our classroom? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

Are you going to buy a comic book tonight? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. (Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.)

Will he eat lunch at 12:00? Yes, I will. / No, I will not(won’t).

Are they swimming? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Did you watch TV yesterday evening? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

☆注意☆ 小结:一般疑问句是在肯定句的基础上,



这三个助动词也要根据人称和时态来选择,其中“does”只用于一般现在时主语是第三人称单数的情况,而“did”只用于一般过去时,不论主语是什么人称和数,都用“did” 。一般疑问句有个重要的原则就是问和答要一致,即问句里的第一个单词(助动词)和简略答句里的这个词是一致的。

4、特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词(what , where , who , which , when , whose , why , how等)开头引导的句子。此类句子应该问什么就答什么,不能用“yes 、no”来回答。如:

What is this? It’s a computer.

What does he do? He’s a doctor.

Where are you going? I’m going to Beijing.

Who played football with you yesterday afternoon? Mike.

Which season do you like best? Summer.

When do you usually get up? I usually get up at 6:30.

Whose skirt is this? It’s Amy’s.

Why do you like spring best? Because I can plant trees.

How are you? I’m fine. / I’m happy.

How did you go to Xinjiang? I went to Xinjiang by train.

☆其中how又可以和其他一些形容词连用组成特殊疑问词组用来提问,如: how many(多少(数量)), how much(多少(钱)), how tall(多高), how long(多长), how big(多大), how heavy(多重)

例句:How many pencils do you have? I have three pencils.

How many girls can you see? I can see four girls.

How many desks are there in your classroom? There are 51.

☆小结:how many 用来提问可数名词的数量,主要有以上三种句式搭配,

How many + 名词复数 + do you have? 你有多少……?

How many + 名词复数 + can you see? 你能看见多少……?

How many + 名词复数 + are there…? 有多少……?



(2)距离说话人近的人或物用this, 距离说话人远的人或物用that。如: This is a flower. 这是一朵花。(近处)

That is a tree. 那是一棵树。(远处)

(3)放在一起的两样东西,先说this, 后说that。如:

This is a pen. That is a pencil. 这是一支钢笔。那是一支铅笔。

(4)向别人介绍某人时说This is…, 不说That is…。如:

This is Helen. Helen, this is Tom. 这是海伦,海伦,这是汤姆。

(5)This is 不能缩写, 而That is可以缩写。如:

This is a bike. That’s a car. 这是一辆自行车。那是一辆轿车。

(6)打电话时,介绍自己用this, 询问对方用that。如:

-Hello! Is that Miss Green? 喂,是格林**吗?

-Yes, this is. Who’s that? 是的,我是,你是谁?

注意:虽然汉语中使用“我”和“你”,但英语中打电话时绝不可以说:I am…, Are you…?/Who are you?

(7)在回答this或that作主语的疑问句时, 要用it代替this或that。如:

①-Is this a notebook? 这是笔记本吗?

-Yes, it is. 是的,它是。

②-What’s that? 那是什么?

-It’s a kite. 是只风筝。

(1)There be句型主要用以表达“某处(某时)有某人(某物)。”其基本结构为“There be+某物(某人)+某地(某时)”其中there是引导词,没有词义;主语是be后面的名词, be是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be只用is和are两种形式。下面这首歌诀可帮你巧记there be句型结构:

There be放句首,主语跟在后。地、时放句末,强调置前头。如:

There is a book on the desk.


On the desk there is a book.

(2)There be句型中的be动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌诀:

Be动词,有三个,am,is还有are。“There be”真特别,不留am只留俩,那就是is还有are。要用is还是are,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。若是单数或不可数名词用is,否则就用are。如:

①There is a tree behind the house.

②There is some water(水)in the bottle(瓶子).

③There are some pears in the box.


①There is a book and some pens on the floor.

②There are some pens and a book on the floor.
