

在国际音标中,它的发音为 [spe?s]。下面是关于太空的一些英文表达和用法:

太空探索: space exploration

太空飞行员: astronaut

太空任务: space mission

太空站: space station

太空舱: spacecraft

太空旅行: space travel

太空行走: spacewalk

太空探测器: space probe

太空科学: space science

太空飞行: spaceflight

太空飞行器: spacecraft

太空环境: space environment

太空中心: space center

太空卫星: space satellite





comet 彗星;astronomer天文学家;milk way银河;

star恒星;sun太阳;moon月球;movement 运行;

Venus 金星;Jupiter 木星;mercury 水星;

Mars 火星;Saturn 土星;Uranus 天王星;

Neptune 海王星;Pluto 冥王星;the Plough 北斗七星;

神州13号载人航天飞船?Shenzhou-13 Manned Spaceship?载人航天manned space flight?载人航天计划manned space program?载人飞船manned spaceship/ spacecraft航天飞机?space shuttle宇航员?astronaut中国空间技术研究院(CAST)The Chinese Academy of Space Technology中国航天局 (CNSA)China National Space Administration


Eat -- the easiest becomes complex wonderful

Eat and drink for earthlings, is an even more commonplace, but in zero gravity space life, astronauts diet has become very complex and special wonderful. Can say, astronauts nutritional needs, food preparation, supply and their eating patterns to wait to have certain speciality, and in the ground life diet are quite different.

Space food essentially with ground ordinary food is same, all is for the human body to provide energy and nutrition. But in order to save the shuttle's space and launch payload, astronauts carrying space food should as far as possible light weight, small volume. Such as nutrition good drying biscuits and drying sausage, eat when use bubble, can return to a similar taste with fresh food. Space food besides wanting to be able to withstand space special environment factors, such as shock, vibration, gyartasa test without failure outside, still must for astronauts in weightlessness conditions the index of physiology change on dietary nutrients, adjust, such as muscle atrophy requires food must provide plenty of high-quality protein. Bone loss is required food provided enough calcium to ?

Astronauts in flight activities in how to eat, for them is a big test. In weightlessness conditions, a cup of filled with water cup downwards towards put all the same, the glass of water will not be floating or fell out and, if on the table, the glass will run up along with water. Say so, astronauts on the ground of the original eat and drink habit to space is completely not applicable. Generally speaking, all kinds of food, parts, such as appliance are fixed well. The astronauts took food from food cupboard after, to put a pack of composite plastic bag food cut open a small mouth, the forks and chopsticks into his pocket fork with to pick-mouth delivery. In order to prevent food everywhere, personal influence clastic astronauts or equipment normal work of ?, this kind of food

Space exploration is extremely important for a large number of reasons.

1. Long-term survival of the species

If we really do destroy the Earth somehow, or if there's a terrible disease, or if we build robots that overthrow and destroy humanity, or if there's a nuclear war and everyone on Earth is destroyed, we're not out of the game if there are more people who aren't on Earth. If survival of the species is humanity's most important goal, then getting a backup base of operations off the ground is a vital long-term step.

Plus, in a couple billion years, when the sun goes nova, we'll need to be somewhere really far away, and why not start planning now?

2. Energy

The cleanest kind of energy is solar energy straight from the sun. If we build solar panels in space that aren't right in between Earth and the Sun, we're not cutting off any sunlight to the planet and we're not taking up any real estate on the surface. If we zap the energy down to Earth, it's basically an infinite source of power. But building any sort of power plant like that on a large enough scale requires a much more advanced presence.

3. Pure Science!

Studying other planets and space itself help us further understand any number of fields, from physics to biology to chemistry. Just a few days ago, they announced the results of an experiment that could help prove a so-far unproven part of relativity. That's neat! Who knows what we could gain with enough new knowledge for science!

4. Spin-offs

Pouring money into crazy new technology makes stuff that nobody would research on its own happen faster and get to us sooner. Who knows when someone would've invented the microwave if they didn't need it for space.

5. Because We Can

Space is the next step for humanity and the final frontier. Why NOT go? It's there. Let's go see it!

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