




9小时前3点40分,爱尔兰开始就更新国家宪法进行公投 删除语言a的机构 关于“家庭中的女性”和“家庭构成”,首相称这些“非常过时,非常性别歧视”。

总理利奥·瓦拉德卡(Leo Varadkar)在一年前的国际妇女节宣布,政府将举行全民公投,以确保性别平等,并从宪法中删除歧视性语言。





许多女性支持这一改变。来自爱尔兰中部米斯郡的特蕾西·卡罗尔(Tracy Carroll)全职照顾自己的两个孩子,她说,长期以来,女性一直被告知“我们在社会中的位置是在家里,照顾我们的孩子和丈夫。”


反对者表示,修改的措辞考虑不周,可能会产生意想不到的后果。法律慈善机构免费法律咨询中心(Free Legal Advice Centers)表示担心,对护理部分的修改包含了“有害的刻板印象,比如提供护理……是无薪家庭成员的私人责任,没有任何国家支持的保证。”


Polling stations are open until 10 p.m. on Friday. Ballot counting starts at 9 a.m. on Saturday, with results likely to be known Saturday afternoon or evening.

The referendum comes as other votes, protests and marches for International Women's Day take place around the world. Officially recognized by the United Nations in 1977, International Women's Day is a national holiday in about 20 countries, including Russia, Ukraine and Afghanistan.

France inscribed the guaranteed right to abortion in its constitution on Friday, a powerful message of support for women's rights — making it the first country to explicitly guarantee abortion rights in its national charter.

The measure was overwhelmingly approved by French lawmakers earlier this week, and Friday's ceremony means it can now enter into force.

A crowd of protestors  stand in a street holding signs in french

In Italy, where the country's first female prime minister is in power, thousands of people marched in Rome to protest gender-based violence. The issue grabbed public attention after the particularly gruesome murder of a young woman, as well as data showing more than half of the 120 women murdered in Italy last year were killed by their current or former partners.

At street rallies in Seoul, participants had an eye on next month's parliamentary elections in South Korea and expressed hope that parties would prioritize gender equality.

A group of people sits in a crowd, holding protest signs

In Russia, where the United Nations says human rights have deteriorated since the military's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, President Vladimir Putin saluted Russian women fighting in the war and those waiting at home for their loved ones who had been deployed.

Women in Afghanistan staged rare protests against harsh Taliban restrictions. The country's rulers have banned girls and women from education above Grade 6 and from most jobs. Females are also barred from public spaces like parks. A group of women gathered indoors in Kabul, holding up signs to hide their faces, and chanted, "No to Gender Apartheid" and "Afghanistan is Hell for Women." 

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