? 《揭秘地球》——来自乐乐趣的科普翻翻书,通过大折页和翻翻页的有趣形式为小读者们介绍了关于地球的各种知识,一如既往的超大信息量!
? 面对这类科普书怎么读?怎么读更有意思?“思瑞公益文化”燕子老师结合小游戏、科学小实验,一天三场科普阅读活动带领近百名孩子一起《揭秘地球》,一本书读出多门学科。来源:http://1232.gomcfl.cn/
? 语文:讲到各种天气现象时,问大家是否知道下雨前会有什么预示?低年级的孩子们立马背出了在语文课上学的天气谚语,带着哥哥姐姐们温故知新。人类在千百年来一直想制造准确的天气预报,天气谚语是劳动人民在历经口述与笔记整理后总结出来的。
? 数学:除了我们在活动中看到和听到的数据外,更多的是在动手操作中体验到——“火山爆发”实验中,水与油的量;“龙卷风”实验中,水的量;“人造雪”实验中,吸水树脂与水的量来源:http://1433.gomcfl.cn/。各种材料的取量多少与比重都决定着实验的成败与否!
? 英语:纯属意外的收获!讲天气现象时,准备了一套图卡与字卡玩小游戏,考验孩子们的即时记忆力来源:http://686.gomcfl.cn/。没想到,展示图卡时,有孩子带头用英文单词表述,接下来大家纷纷效仿。
? 地理:讲到“地球”,肯定是离不开地球仪与地图的协助来源:http://1493.gomcfl.cn/。火山喷发、地震频发的地带、降雨量最多的城市,这些位于地球的哪个位置呢?使用一些辅助道具,不仅可以帮助孩子们更直观地感受,更是给孩子们一颗“地球村”的种子,地球的悸动是自然营力的一种,希望大家通过了解这些自然现象,从而更加重视我们赖以生存的这颗星球。
? 历史:历经1000多年的时间,一座在火山灰底下的城市终于被人们发现。那么,这座城市叫什么,他属于哪个国家,他经历了什么?依据考古学家们的调查和研究,让我们有机会了解到他千年以前经历的灾难与现在的状态。
? 化学:火山喷发时,山体内部是什么样的情况?龙卷风是怎么形成的来源:http://1276.gomcfl.cn/?水和雪是怎么回事?通过科普绘本阅读结合科学小实验,孩子能够亲自参与其中,并在过程中点燃他们创造力和解决问题的能力来源:http://1472.gomcfl.cn/。
来源:http://1251.gomcfl.cn/? 从近期的四川地震到火山下的古城,从沿海地区的台风、龙卷风到2004年的南亚大海啸,和孩子们一起《揭秘地球》,始于科普却又不限于科普。了解这些基本知识后,相信孩子们还会去探索地球正在经历什么?面对地球的变化与自然灾害,人类应该怎么做……来源:http://1121.gomcfl.cn/
? 读科普,了解科学知识,有助于培养孩子的理性思维,拓展知识边界来源:http://1095.gomcfl.cn/。读科普,运用科学知识,有助于孩子贴近生活,学以致用,用科学知识更好地服务于生活!
In the technical activity, reads each kind of material, understood the interesting natural sciences knowledge is a very important content来源:http://1452.gomcfl.cn/. Schoolmates science and technology consciousness fostering, imagination development, technical quality enhancement need massive popular science material来源:http://1350.gomcfl.cn/. only has the rich popular science knowledge, can trigger the innovation the inspiration. In the student brains grasps the knowledge have been many, through blends together, in, thus the inspiration wisdom, launches the imagination, bursts out the creation spark. We might as well look at Japanese a student creativity competition topic: Some topic is such, "洗衣夹 has any new use □□to think you all writes." They attempt through this kind of competition topic to inspire the children creativity. Also some topic, "has a friend to say that, ' The person and the cockroach are the partner '. How said is ' the partner '? The truth what in, asks you to reply as far as possible." This topic is different with the general test, does not have the unique answer, needs the independent thinking, has the originality来源:http://781.gomcfl.cn/. We in design competition topic time also may profit from this kind of form, uses this kind of topic. Also may carry on raises the question competition, encourages the student to disperse the thought, bold question. Because proposed question itself is containing the creation thought spark. Then instructs the knowledge which the student applies obtains creatively to solve the problem, encourages to propose something new and different, attempts "is fabricated".