
? 脸谱,是一种中国传统戏曲的化妆造型艺术,它是在演员脸上的绘画,用于戏曲舞台表演。脸谱具有悠久的历史,一般认为脸谱起源于面具,古代祭祀活动中巫师和舞者并不以真面目示人,常常会戴着面具,面具图案能够凸显出巫舞的神秘莫测,颇具威严。北齐兰陵王长恭,刚毅勇猛、战无不胜,但是面貌素净俊美,因此他在出战时就会着一面具,方助其威势。由此推演,唐代歌舞《兰陵王入阵曲》里,扮演兰陵王的演员就要戴上面具。这可能就是戏剧中脸谱的起源。脸谱色彩鲜艳,在戏台上十分吸引观众,不同性格的角色配有不同颜色的脸谱,因此清晰可辨。脸谱的颜色类型大抵如下:

? 1.红色脸:象征忠义耿直、血气方刚的义士。诸如侠义之士关羽,他是《三国演义》中的著名人物,忠肝义胆、义薄云天,桃园结义的典故源远流长;此外,还有《斩经堂》里的吴汉等等。

? 2.白色脸:表现奸诈多疑,含贬义,代表凶诈阴险、工于心计的反派人物。如:“三国戏”《群英会?借东风?华容道》里的曹操、《打严嵩》中的严蒿等。

? 3.黑色脸:戏曲中有两类角色通常画黑色脸谱。一类是性格严肃认真、端庄威严、不苟言笑的角色。例如包拯,他一生刚正不阿,为相期间坐镇开封府,清正廉洁、为民伸冤,据传他的肤色极黑,额间有一枚月牙。还有一类是性格豪放洒脱、孔武有力,稍微有些莽撞粗犷的人物。例如:三国时期的蜀汉名将张飞,和“水浒戏”中的黑旋风李逵等人。

? 4.**脸:表现骁勇善战、性格残暴的武将,这类人大多勇猛、暴躁。如典韦,他是三国时期曹操麾下的一员猛将,相貌魁梧曾数次于危急时刻挽救曹操性命,因此颇受器重。

? 5.蓝色脸:表现性格刚直,桀骜不驯的人物。如:《连环套》里的窦尔墩。窦尔墩,他从小生活孤苦,却始终热血正直,抱有一腔行侠仗义、锄强扶弱的热忱。窦尔敦的父亲参加过明朝末年李自成的起义军,因此他也一直身体力行着反清复明的纲领,据传他劫富济贫,曾劫走清朝政府的大批财物和十几匹御马,将这些全部分给了贫苦的百姓,是著名的“侠盗”,戏曲中窦尔敦的脸谱为蓝花三块瓦脸。

? 6.紫色脸:表现肃穆、沉稳庄重,富有正义感的人物角色。如:《二进宫》中的徐延昭,《鱼肠剑》中的专诸。

? 除上述颜色之外,脸谱还包括象征威武庄严的金色脸,表现奸诈多疑或威武庄严的银色脸,表现勇猛、莽撞、冲动的绿色脸等。自古以来,中国京剧脸谱艺术都是广大戏迷们非常喜爱的艺术门类,它的独特魅力甚至也吸引了诸多国际友人的目光,成为中国传统文化的一种象征符号。




常见的似是而非的“卫生习惯” 1.用卫生纸擦拭餐具、水果和面部:许多卫生纸未经消毒处理或消毒不彻底,其中的填料或粉屑也很容易残留在餐具或水果上,进入人体会影响健康。所以,用卫生纸擦拭餐具、水果和面部是不妥的。


与其用抹布擦干餐具、水果,莫如不擦更卫生。 3.用餐洗净清洗餐具、果蔬:餐洗净可用来洗涤餐具、蔬菜和水果,以去除餐具上面的油污和果蔬上残留的农药,已成了人们生活中必不可少的日常用品。




所以,应多管齐下采取防蝇措施,最好将苍蝇拒之门外。 5.餐桌上铺塑料布:有的桌布由聚氯乙烯制成,其中含有有毒的游离基。




这种物质进入人体可引起关节酸痛、头痛、失眠,还可导致肝癌和不育等病症。 7.变味的食物加热后吃:许多人认为食物中毒是由变质食物中的细菌引起的,若将变质的食物煮沸了再吃,细菌便会被全部杀死,吃了就会相安无事。



吃了这样的水果,轻者引起胃肠道不适,重者可导致急性胃肠炎,甚至导致人体细胞突变或癌变。 9.手帕一物多用或与他物混放:一块手帕既擦鼻涕又揩嘴巴,是不卫生的。








因为洗澡时会使四肢和体表的血流量增加,而减少胃肠的血液供应,从而影响胃肠的消化功能。 14.有痰不吐:随地吐痰是不文明的生活习惯,应当弃之。







给你的天空划一道绚丽的亮色; 给你的世界奏一曲动听的欢歌;伸出你的手,伸出我的手,让我们相会在广播中。

各位老师, 各位同学,大家好!

伴随着这熟悉的乐曲, 聆听着这动人的旋律, 校园之声广播站现在开始播音。

我是 班播音员 ,愿每位收听我们广播的老师或同学,都在这美好的天气里有一份很好的心情去对待一天的工作和学习,欢迎大家收听的《生活小常识》栏目。




我是 班播音员 。欢迎您明天(下周)同一时间继续收听我们的栏目(节目),再见!



























那建议你可以看看蕙兰瑜伽《生活方式与自然疗愈》这本书,有太多了,这里只能列举一小部分咯: 每天一汤匙温热的蜂蜜与1/4茶匙桂皮粉混合冲水,连喝3天可以较好的减轻哮喘或感冒症状! 蜂蜜具有康复效用,经常喝蜂蜜水有利于补充精力、清洁肾脏、净化血液,还能明目健齿。

经常面对电脑的朋友,如果感到眼部不适,可试着降低显示屏的位置,以便视线向下,让眼睑能覆盖眼球更多的部分,以缓解和预防眼部干燥和疼痛。 用洗干净的手指蘸点微温的油(如酥油、芝麻油、橄榄油等)涂抹在清洗干净的鼻腔内部,很好抵御细菌的侵袭,预防感冒。

还可以有效预防和缓解因鼻腔干燥引起的各种问题。 想要减肥的朋友们,在吃饭前可以吃一把坚果或类似的东西,能让身体产生饱腹感,而不至于过量进食而产生肥胖。

柑橘、番茄、辣椒和绿色蔬菜都包含抗氧化剂,可以中和致癌的自由基。让我们不再谈癌色变! 如果身边有处于更年期的朋友或亲人,不防建议多吃些豆类、海藻、山药、苹果、土豆和胡萝卜等富含植物雌激素的食物。

有助于滋养正更年期的身体,同时缓解潮热现象。 经常熬夜加班的朋友,在辛苦之余可以多吃一些富含钙元素的食物哦,对舒缓神经、减轻疲劳极为有益。



可以从礼仪方面: 第一讲 参加升旗仪式怎么做? 《中华人民共和国国旗法》规定,大中小学校都要按时升降国旗,在每周一早晨及大型会议前要举行升国旗仪式,为此,各类中学都专门修建了标准国旗台,有的学校还要求教师也必须按时参加升国旗仪式。

升国旗仪式虽然没有统一的规定,但通常包括升国旗、唱国歌,在国旗下讲话三项活动,升旗仪式不仅是对学生进行爱国主义教育的必要形式,也是对学生加强思想品德教育的最佳途径。但也有一些同学不十分清楚在参加升国旗时应该怎么做,作为一名合格的中学生,在升国旗时应做到哪几点呢? 1. 全体同学都要以班为单位在学校统一划定的区域内站好,一般都要以两路纵队围绕国旗台面向国旗台而站,全体同学都要按学校要求统一着装穿校服参加升旗仪式; 2. 全体学生都必须按时参加每周一的升国旗,任何人都不得也不应该缺习,也不能迟到,各校升旗仪式一般都定为每周一7:00整准时进行,因此,全体同学除雨雪天外必须在7 :00前准时到校参加升旗仪式; 3. 在升国旗、唱国歌的过程中,必须保持肃静,所有参加升旗仪式的师生都必须立正向国旗行注目礼,齐唱《中华人民共和国国歌》,在行进中和运动中的同学都必须原地站立,向着国旗的方向行注目礼,不允许任何人在升旗时走动、交头接耳、嬉笑打闹,特别是在升旗过程出现意外时,全体同学都要保持严肃; 4. 升旗后,一般都安排优秀学生代表在国旗下讲话,有时还要安排上周工作总结、本周工作布置发言,所有的同学都必须保持安静,认真听讲; 5. 升旗仪式结束以后,各班同学有有序离开,不得拥挤,不得高声喧哗,更不得起哄打闹。

愿我们的同学都能通过升国旗、唱国歌受到教育,增强爱国主义观念! 第二讲 如何参加早操? 早操是体育活动的一个重要组成部分,早操对同学们来说也十分重要,它不仅可以增强同学们的体质,锻炼同学的体能、意志及毅力,同时也能提高同学们的学习效率,培养学生集体主义观念,是一种十分重要的体育运动形式。但总有一些同学对早操意义认识不到位,重视不够,因此常会出现诸如,出勤率不高,迟到现象严重,班主任到位率低,同学们只出操不参加晨跑等问题,结果早操的作用往往没有充分发挥出来。

作为一个合格的中学生,应该怎样参加早操呢? 1. 一年四季,各校的起床时间是不同的,要参加早操必须严格遵守作息时间按时起床,按时进行洗漱,《运动员进行曲》一播放,同学们就要疾步来到操场参加晨跑,不得睡懒觉,不得借故拖延或缺习,特别是冬季天寒,有些同学不能按时起床,要设法克服懒惰思想,准时参加早操; 2. 早操实际上包括两个阶段,首先是晨跑,晨跑前还要做一些准备活动,接着是做广播体操,但有些同学不愿意参加晨跑,只做广播体操,这往往达不到锻炼的最佳效果,因此,同学们一定要在做操之前进行跑步,哪怕跑它个三圈两圈,都要比站在操场上等着做操要好得多,或许有些同学带着书本,读了一会儿书,得到了暂时的实惠,但从长远来看还是划不来的; 3. 参加早操暂时不一定能见到效益,结果有些同学对此有不理解之处,认为耽误时间影响学习,其实,锻炼身体的作用是需要长时间才能见效益的,只有持之以恒地参加早操才能提高学习效率,才能见到效益,“磨刀不误砍柴功”说的就是这个道理; 4. 学校虽然一般只对住校生有上早操的要求,但对于走读生来说,参加早操也是一样十分有益的锻炼身体的形式,走读生也应该主动早早来到学校参加早操。 愿广大同学都能通过早操增强体质、健全体魄、提高学习效率。

第三讲 如何做好课间操? 课间操是专门为减轻同学们学习压力,安排在课间进行的一种体育活动,严格地讲,课间操一天应该安排两次,上午一次,下午一次,但一般的学校只在上午第二节与第三节课间安排一次课间操,下午的课间则安排眼睛保健操。课间操对我们的同学们来说是十分必要的,因为上午近5小时的紧张学习,如果不安排一次锻炼,很可能就会损害同学们的身体健康或影响到同学的学习效率。


要做好课间操,使同学们在学习的中间得到有效的锻炼,我认为应该做到以下几点: 1. 下课铃一响,同学们就应该快速下楼,以班为单位在指定的位置成广播体操队形站好,不得在教室内逗留或借故不参加课间操,各班主任要到位督促学生做操,体育委员要组织全班同学认真做操; 2. 做操时,全体同学都要前后左右对正,要按照口令统一做操,动作一定要到位,要整齐划一,特别是最后的两节往往不被同学们所重视,同学们要把运动强度最大的跳跃运动和起调节作用的整理运动做到底,做到位; 3. 做操结束 *** 室时,全体同学都要遵守公共秩序,不得拥挤,不得奔跑,有序上楼,以防引起混乱,造成意外伤害,由于上厕所的同学可能要相对集中,因此,大家要自觉排队,遵守公共道德,注意公共卫生; 4. 做操时要保持操场和教学区的环境卫生,不得乱扔乱丢,不能乱践乱踏,在方便。



Overview, history, and defining influences

Canadian culture is a product of Canada's history and geography. Most of Canada's territory was inhabited and developed later than other European colonies in the Americas, with the result that themes and symbols of pioneers, trappers, and traders were important in the early development of Canadian culture.[1] The British conquest of Quebec in 1759 brought a large francophone population under British rule, creating a need for compromise and accommodation, while the migration of United Empire Loyalists from the Thirteen Colonies brought in strong British and American influences, combined with a sense of anti-Americanism that survives to this day.[2]

Although not without conflict, Canada's early interactions with native populations were relatively peaceful, compared to the experience of native peoples in the United States. Combined with relatively late economic development in many regions, this peaceful history has allowed Canadian native peoples to have a relatively strong influence on the national culture while preserving their own identity.[3]

[edit] Bilingualism and Multiculturalism

Main articles: Bilingualism in Canada and Languages of Canada

French Canada's early development was relatively cohesive during the 17th and 18th centuries, and this was preseved by the Quebec Act of 1774, which allowed francophone culture to survive and thrive within Canada.[4] In 1867, the British North America Act was designed to meet the growing calls for Canadian autonomy while avoiding the overly-strong decentralization that contributed to the Civil War in the United States.[5] The compromises made by Macdonald and Cartier set Canada on a path to bilingualism,[6] and this in turn contributed to an acceptance of diversity that later led to both multiculturalism and tolerance of First Nations culture and customs.[7]

Multicultural heritage is enshrined in Section 27 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In parts of Canada, especially the major cities of Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto (for example, in Toronto's Kensington Market area), multiculturalism itself is the cultural norm and diversity is the force that unites the community.[8]

In Quebec, cultural identity is strong, and many Quebecois commentators speak of a Quebec culture as distinguished from English Canadian culture, but some also see Canada as a collection of several regional, aboriginal, and ethnic subcultures. [9] John Ralston Saul argues that Gabrielle Roy is better known in anglophone Canada than in France, and more French-Canadians know of Margaret Laurence and Atom Egoyan than Americans.

While French Canadian culture is the most obvious example, Celtic influences have allowed survival of non-English dialects in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland; however, the influence of Ulster immigrants to Toronto has had the effect of minimizing Irish influences in Ontario's culture, and highlighting British influences instead, until the 1980s. Canada's Pacific trade has also brought a large Chinese influence into British Columbia and other areas.

Canada's cultural diversity also creates an environment much more accepting of gay and lesbian people than one finds in the United States or most other countries.[10] For example, in 1995, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in Egan v. Canada that sexual orientation should be "read in" to Section Fifteen of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a part of the Constitution of Canada guaranteeing equal rights to all Canadians. Following a series of decisions by provincial courts and the Supreme Court of Canada, on July 20, 2005, Bill C-38 received Royal Assent, legalizing same-sex marriage in Canada. Canada thus became the fourth country to officially sanction gay marriage nationwide, after The Netherlands, Belgium, and Spain. Furthermore, by 2005, sexual orientation was included as a protected status in the human rights laws of the federal government and of all provinces and territories.

Further information: Gay rights in Canada

[edit] Geography, climate, and immigration

Main articles: Geography of Canada and Immigration to Canada

Canada's geography and climate have influenced culture, with themes of isolation and environmental adaptation, and a heightened conflict between urban and non-urban subcultures.[11][12] Canada's dispersed geography also allows strong regional cultures to survive without the pressures of assimilation that exist in more densely populated countries.

[edit] American influences and "anti-Americanism"

Easy access to broadcast media has brought many American influences into Canadian culture since the mid-20th century. As a reaction, many Canadians attempt to define Canadian culture by how it is better, or at least different, from American culture. Defending and enhancing national culture is a major political priority for the Canadian government, with the CRTC and the Department of Canadian Heritage having responsibility for promoting Canadian culture. The Governor General's Awards very often highlight the contributions of Canadians to the nation's culture. At the same time, easy access to American media has allowed many Canadian performers and entertainers to succeed internationally in the areas of music, comedy, movies, and television来源:https://www.mj-100.cn/xwzx/202412-8459.html. Canada's historical ties to British culture help raise the profile of Canadians in the area of literature and theatre.

Having avoided many of America's wars, Canadian culture often includes themes of pacifism, anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism, and multilateralism. Nationalism is more often seen in a negative light and a cause for conflict, not as the virtue of patriotism as in the United States. Conversely, Canadian suspicion of nationalist tendencies is itself a mitigating influence against anti-Americanism. A corollary is that Canada is more strongly monarchist than many post-colonial Commonwealth states; many Canadians see the monarchy as an essential, unifying link among Canada's historical cultures, whereas some in Canada and other Commonwealth realms see it as a reminder of political imperialism. Canadian idealism makes many Canadians critical of government, social, and cultural institutions and traditions, comparing the status quo to their idealized view of what Canada could become rather than to the reality of other countries.

[edit] Art

Main article: Art in Canada

[edit] Literature

See also: Canadian literature and List of Canadian writers

[edit] Canadian theatre

Main article: Theatre in Canada

Canada has a thriving stage theatre scene, especially in Southern ontario and in Quebec. Theatre festivals draw many tourists in the summer months, especially the Stratford Festival of Canada in Stratford, Ontario, and the Shaw Festival in Niagara On The Lake, Ontario. The Famous People Players are only one of many touring companies that have also developed an international reputation. Canada also boasts the world's second largest live theatre festival, the Edmonton Fringe Festival.

[edit] Film and television

Main articles: Cinema of Canada and Television in Canada

See also: Cinema of Quebec

The Canadian film market was dominated by the American film industry for decades, although that film industry has since inception seen a prominent role for actors, directors, producers and technicians of Canadian origin. In the 1960s Michel Brault, Pierre Perrault, Gilles Groulx, Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, Arthur Lamothe, Claude Jutra and other filmmakers from Quebec began to challenge Hollywood by making innovative and politically relevant documentary and feature films. Among the important English-speaking filmmakers from this period are Allan King, Norman Jewison and Robin Spry. Michael Snow continues to be one of the most respected experimental film makers in the world. Norman Jewison received an Irving Thalberg Academy Award in recognition for his lifetime achievement in film in 1999.

Canada has developed a vigorous film industry that has produced a variety of well-known films, actors, and auteurs. In fact, this eclipsing may sometimes be creditable for the rather bizarre and quite innovative directions of the works of such auteurs as Atom Egoyan (The Sweet Hereafter, 1997) and David Cronenberg (The Fly, Naked Lunch, A History of Violence). Also, the distinct French-Canadian society permits the work of directors such as Denys Arcand and Denis Villeneuve. However given Canada's small population and perhaps, because of the closeness of the giant American TV and film industries, distinctively Canadian productions such as those in the TIFF List of Canada's Top Ten Films of All Time are relatively thin on the ground, compared with the situations in the United Kingdom. However, Lion's Gates Films and Alliance Atlantis are two film production companies headquartered in Canada which have grown large enough to compete with larger American productions down south. In addition, because of the intricate relationship between the American and Canadian film industry, numerous films such as David Cronenberg's A History of Violence (2005) are often credited as both Canadian films by Canadian publications and as American films by American publications due to differing definitions of what constitutes a Canadian or American film by each country.

A number of Canadian pioneers in early Hollywood significantly contributed to the creation of the motion picture industry in the early days of the 20th century. Over the years, many Canadians have made enormous contributions to the American entertainment industry, although they are frequently not recognized as Canadians (see Famous Canadians).

Canada's film industry is in full expansion as a site for Hollywood productions. The series The X-Files was famously shot in Vancouver as is Stargate SG-1, the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, and The Outer Limits. The American Queer as Folk is filmed in Toronto. Since the 1980s, Canada, and Vancouver in particular, has become known as Hollywood North来源:https://www.mj-100.cn/xwzx/202412-8372.html. As with its southern counterpart in California, USA, many Canadians are employed in the film industry, and celebrity-spotting is frequent throughout many Canadian cities. Montreal, due to its European appearance, has served in a great variety of mainstream movies, attracting the loyalty of industry people such as Bruce Willis; there are plans to build the world's biggest film studio on the outskirts of the city. The choice of location is allegedly due to cost, rather than a requirement for a 'Canadian atmosphere'. The frequent question of a Canadian, seeing a film crew on his or her local streets, is 'Which bit of the States are we pretending to be today?'.

Canadian television, especially supported by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, is the home of a variety of locally-produced shows. French-language television, like French Canadian film, is buffered from excessive American influence by the fact of language, and likewise supports a host of home-grown productions. The relative success of French-language domestic television and movies in Canada often exceeds that of its English-language counterpart.

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission's Canadian content regulations dictate that a certain percentage of a domestic broadcaster's transmission time must include content that is produced by Canadians, or covers Canadian subjects. This also applies to US cable television channels such as MTV and the Discovery Channel, which have local versions of their channels available on Canadian cable networks. Similarly, BBC Canada, while primarily showing BBC shows from the UK, also carries Canadian output.

National Film Board of Canada [1], is 'a public agency that produces and distributes films and other audiovisual works which reflect Canada to Canadians and the rest of the world'. The agency helped to pioneer the concept of the documentary.

The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) is considered by many to be one of the most prevalent film festivals for Western cinema.

Canada has produced many film and television stars, newscasters, directors and producers including: Pamela Anderson, Brent Butt, Jim Carrey, Roy Dupuis, Michael J. Fox, Lorne Greene, Peter Jennings, Norman Jewison, Eugene Levy, Lorne Michaels, Rick Moranis, Mike Myers, Keanu Reeves, William Shatner, Martin Short, Donald Sutherland, Ryan Gosling, Kiefer Sutherland, Hayden Christensen, Jessica Tandy, Alan Thicke, Rachel McAdams and Alex Trebek.

In addition, many popular political documentaries such as Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent, The Corporation and Bowling for Columbine involved Canadian production and funding. Some of other more notable documentaries include: Nanook of the North, Final Offer (film), and Canada: A People's History.来源:https://www.mj-100.cn/xwzx/202412-8205.html

[edit] Comedy

Main article: Canadian humour

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is noted for political satire such as This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Rick Mercer Report, and Royal Canadian Air Farce.

Canada has produced many eminent national humorists. The Kids in the Hall were a popular Canadian sketch group. Also the Second City Television show originated in the Toronto Second City operation, which produced many comedians that went on to success worldwide, including John Candy, Rick Moranis, Eugene Levy, Dave Thomas, Catherine O'Hara, and others. The team of creators for SCTV, including Lorne Michaels, were later transplanted in New York City to create Saturday Night Live.

Other notable Canadian comics and comedy groups include Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Martin Short, Tom Green, Dan Aykroyd, Leslie Nielsen, CODCO (the precursors to This Hour Has 22 Minutes), Maggie Cassella, and Elvira Kurt. The Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal is the world's largest comedy festival.

Canadian humour is often described as being not as 'punchline-friendly' as its American counterpart, but not as 'off-the-wall' as its UK counterpart.[citation needed]

[edit] Music

See also: Music of Canada

Canada has developed its own brands of traditional music, including the French, Irish and Scottish-derived Cape Breton fiddle music of the Maritimes, the Franco-Celtic styles of Quebec that often include foot percussion and a scat style called turlutte, and other national styles from the Ottawa Valley to the west. Noted proponents are Buddy MacMaster and his niece Natalie of Cape Breton, and Madame Bolduc of Quebec, whose recordings in the 1930s lifted her people through depressing times.

The Canadian music industry has been helped by government regulation designed to protect and encourage the growth of distinct Canadian culture. The Canadian Content (CANCON) regulations force all radio stations in Canada to play at least 35% Canadian music. This has enabled Canadian artists to garner success on the airwaves which were once dominated by American and European acts. Now it is common to hear several Canadian songs on the radio every hour you listen.

In the realm of popular music, Canada has produced a variety of internationally successful performers, including (alphabetically): Bryan Adams, Paul Anka, Arcade Fire, Bachman-Turner Overdrive, The Band, Barenaked Ladies, Blue Rodeo, Paul Brandt, Broken Social Scene, Michael Bublé, Terri Clark, Bruce Cockburn, Leonard Cohen, Stompin' Tom Conners, Cowboy Junkies, Céline Dion, D.O.A., Front Line Assembly, Nelly Furtado, Matthew Good, Glenn Gould, Robert Goulet, Great Big Sea, The Guess Who, Ronnie Hawkins, k-os, Diana Krall, k.d. Lang, Avril Lavigne, Félix Leclerc, Gordon Lightfoot, Sarah McLachlan, Joni Mitchell, Alanis Morissette, Anne Murray, Oscar Peterson, Rush, Hank Snow, Steppenwolf,Silverstein (band), Sum 41, David Clayton Thomas, The Tragically Hip, Trooper, Shania Twain, Gilles Vigneault, Rufus Wainwright and Neil Young.

[edit] Symbols

Official symbols of Canada include the maple leaf, beaver, and the Canadian Horse [2][3]. Many official symbols of the country such as the Flag of Canada have been changed or modified over the past few decades in order to 'Canadianize' them and de-emphasise or remove references to the United Kingdom. Symbols of the monarchy in Canada continue to be featured in, for example, the Coat of Arms of Canada and armed forces Her Majesty's Canadian Ship. The designation 'Royal' remains for institutions as varied as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, though with the 1968 unification of the three armed forces into the Canadian Forces, the Royal Canadian Air Force and Royal Canadian Navy ceased to exist. However, certain Canadian Forces Land Force Command (army) units carry "Royal" titles, Canadian Forces Maritime Command vessels are still styled "HMCS" and Canadian Forces Air Command squadrons still use a Royal Air Force-derived badge surmounted by the Queen's Crown as their official crests.

[edit] Aboriginal influences

There were, and are, many distinct Aboriginal peoples across Canada, each with its own culture, beliefs, values, language, and history. Much of this legacy remains celebrated artistically, and in other ways, in Canada to this day. Part of the emblem of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics is an inukshuk, a stack of rocks in human form that is a part of Inuit culture, although this is seen as inapproprite by many Vancouverites . [4]

[edit] Multicultural Elements

Multiculturalism, officially endorsed in Section Twenty-seven of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, has a large influence on Canadian culture, which is post-ethnic and trans-national in character. According to the Department of Canadian Heritage,[5]

Canada's ethnic, racial and religious diversity is rapidly increasing. According to the 2001 census, more than 200 ethnic origins are represented in Canada. about 13.5 percent of the population is a member of a visible minority group and that proportion is expected to reach 20 percent by 2016. Immigration now accounts for more than 50 percent of Canada's population growth, with immigrants coming mainly from Asia and the Middle East. It is projected that, after 2025, Canada's population growth will be based solely on immigration.


拓展训练,一般学校有软绳(软绳一定注意下绳动作,防止刺入手),双杠玩夹狗肉(可以练团队协调和单个反应能力,给单杠练习做铺垫),海绵垫子多垫点练前扑(练习胆量初中生能做敢做的也不定很多),体能好点的可以搞个单杠2练习,条件允许的话可以掐表爬楼再下楼比赛(眼明脚快的结合,下楼是提速抢时的关键,注意:一定把比赛双方实力均等,不适合太多人同时搞),单腿起跳一米台阶(极个别能完成,但绝对保证初中生可行,最多就是磕伤腿,取决于起跳瞬间大脑犹豫就坏事),小推车比赛(分普通小推车和难度点的 ,难度的就是后边人鸭子步,前边的人脚上后边的肩膀,想快就要鸭子步的人别停,绝对的好练习)单腿深蹲起(这个就不用解释了,如果搞比赛会有意想不到效果,当然之后两三天腿部酸疼效果也不少哟),信任背摔(可以站在乒乓球台上,台下铺垫子,上边个人直立姿势后趟,下边有4到6个人接,这个也不错的)能想到的最后一个就更简单了,不过不太好解释斗鸡知道吧,一个人摽一个人得腿,单腿着地,组成一个圈,练配合和耐力,大致分2到4个队,比哪队持续时间长,前提说开始后不能停



白天,鸟儿们在枝头穿梭呜叫,在蓝天下自由飞翔,到了晚上,它们和我们人一样也要休息、睡觉,恢复体力,不过它们睡觉的姿势可是各不相同的。 2冰糕冒气是因为外界空气中有不少眼睛看不见的水汽,碰到很冷的冰糕时,一遇冷就液化成雾滴包围在冰糕周围,看上去似乎是冰糕在“冒气”一样来源:https://www.mj-100.cn/xwzx/202412-6556.html。 3向日葵的茎部含有一种奇妙的植物生长素。这种生长素非常怕光。一遇光线照射,它就会到背光的一面去,同时它还 *** 背广义面的细胞迅速繁殖,所以,背光的一面就比向光的一面生长的快,使向日葵产生了向旋光性弯曲。 4蝉的外壳(外骨骼)是坚硬的,不能随着蝉的生长而扩大,当蝉生长到一定阶段时,蝉的外骨骼限制了蝉的生长,蝉将原有的外骨骼脱去,就是蝉蜕。 5蜂先把采来的花朵甜汁吐到一个空的蜂房中,到了晚上,再把甜汁吸到自己的蜜胃里进行调制,然后再吐出来,再吞进去,如此轮番吞吞吐吐,要进行100~240次,最后才酿成香甜的蜂蜜 6我们看到星闪闪,这不是因为星星本身的光度出现变化,而是与大气的遮挡有关。大气隔在我们与星星之间,当星光通过大气层时,会受到大气的密度和厚薄影响。大气不是绝对的透明,它的透明度会根据密度的不同而产生变化。所以我们在地面透过它来看星星,就会看到星星好像在闪动的样子了。 7当我们感到疲累时,体内已产生了许多的二氧化碳。当二氧化碳过多时,必须再增加氧气来平衡体内所需。因为这些残留的二氧化碳,会影响我们身体的机能活动,这时身体便会发出保护性的反应,于是就打起呵欠来。打呵欠是一种深呼吸动作,它会让我们比平常更多地吸进氧气和排出二气化碳,还做到消除疲劳的作用呢。 8蛇的身上有很多鳞片,这是它们身上最外面的一层盔甲。鳞片不但用来保护身体,还可以是它们的「脚」。蛇向前爬行时,身体会呈S形。而每一片在S形外边的鳞片,都会翘起来,帮助蛇前进时抓住不平的路面。这些鳞片跟蛇的肌肉互相配合,并能推动身体向前爬行,所以蛇没有脚也可以走动呀! 9我们的头发中有一种叫「黑色素」的物质,黑色素愈多头发的颜色便愈黑。而黑色素少的话,头发便会发黄或变白。人类到了老年时,身体的各种机能会逐渐衰退,色素的形成亦会愈来愈少,所以头发也会渐渐变白啊 10当别人搔自己时,我们会倍感痕痒,而且不断大笑;可是,当自己搔自己的时候,我们不单不会大笑,而且更不感痕痒。基于我们的思想上已有了准备,大脑会发出一种 「不会有危险」的讯息,神经亦随之放松,所以便不会大笑起来和感到痕痒了! 11望向大海,很多时也发现海水呈现蓝、绿色。可是,当你把海水捞起时,你却只能看到它像往日的水般,透明无色。原来,海水本身与我们日常所接触到的水没有大分别,也是透明的。我们所看到的绿色,其实是海水对光吸收能力而产生出来的现象。只有绿光能被海水吸收,从而反射出来;当海水更深时,绿光也被吸收,海水看上去便成了蓝色。 12我们的皮肤表面长着汗毛,而每一个毛孔下都有一条竖毛肌,当受到神经 *** (例如:生气、害怕、受凉等情况)后,身体的温度会下降,而竖毛肌便会收缩而令毛发竖立起来,形成鸡皮疙瘩。除了有着保温的作用外,这个生理系统亦可使动物的体型看起来比实际更大,从而吓退敌人初冬或冬末,有时会出现一种奇怪现象:从空中掉下来的液态雨滴落在树枝、电线或其它物体上时,会突然冻成一层外表光滑晶莹剔透的冰层,这就是"雨淞"。这种滴雨成冰的现象是怎么回事呢?实际上这里的雨滴不是一般的雨滴,而是过冷雨滴。这种情形并不常见,多在冷暖空气交锋,而且暖空气势力较强的情况下才会发生。这是靠近地面一层的空气温度较低(稍低于摄氏零度),而其上又有温度高于摄氏零度的空气层或云层,再往上则是温度低于摄氏零度的云层,从这里掉下来的雪花通过暖层时融化成雨滴,接着当它进入靠近地面的冷气层时,雨滴便迅速冷却,由于这些雨滴的直径很小,温度虽然降到摄氏冷度以下,但还来不及冻结便掉了下来,当其接触到地面冷的物体时,就立即冻结,变成了我们所说的"雨淞"。1天气是指短时间(几分钟到几天)发生的气象现象,如雷雨、冰雹、台风、寒潮、大风等。 2.什么是气候 气候是指某一地区长时期内(月、季、年、数年、甚至数百年等)各气象要素长年的平均值。是一个地区的冷、暖、干、湿等天气状况基本特征的综合反映。 。
























































老师说“group of”和任意一个数字,同学们就迅速跑动起来按照老师说的数字跟其他的同学组成与这个数字人数相同的小组。组好后就围成圈坐下来。没有组好的同学就去数数组好的圈得人数对不对。

延伸游戏:把学生用水果单词分组,然后老师说“group of” 和任意一个单词,代表该单词的学生必须组在一起。

3、大风吹: 来源:https://www.mj-100.cn/xwzx/202412-264.html



注意事项:当老师念两个水果的名字时,这两个水果的学生都要起来换位置,或者当我念“fruit”时,全体换位置。 颜色游戏:

