

1 cloning and genetic breeding

In agriculture, people use "cloning" technology has developed a drought, lodging-resistance diseases, insects, and the high quality varieties can greatly improve the food production. In this aspect of China has entered the most advanced.

2 cloning technology and endangered species protection

Cloning techniques to protect species of rare and endangered species, especially the Gospel, is a great prospect of application. From the perspective of biological cloning technology, it is also one of the most valuable.

3 cloning technology and medicine

In contemporary China, doctors can almost in all human organs and organization of transplant. But science and technology, the organ transplant rejection is still the most headaches. Rejection is not in poor compatibility matches. If the "clone" of the original organ provide ", "made in organ transplantation, absolutely no rejection, because the two genes, the organization also suitable match. Problem is, using "clone" as donors and does not accord with the humanity? Whether lawful? Economy is cost-effective?

Cloning technology is used to multiply valuable gene, for example, in medicine, it is through "cloning" technology produces insulin therapy for diabetes patients, that pygmyism again the high growth hormone and resistant to infection of the interferon, etc.

4 the growth cycle is short, stable genetic traits

5 cloning technology can relieve those who cannot become the mother of women's pain.

6 the implementation of cloning experiments to promote the development of genetics, for the manufacture of animals can be transplanted organ opened prospects.

7 cloning technology can be used to test the fetus genetic defects. Be used to detect various fertilized cloning and genetic diseases of cloned embryos and the development of the fetal genetic characteristics is identical.

8 cloning technology can be used for the treatment of the nervous system. Adult neural tissue regeneration, but not stem cells can repair neurological damage.

9 the in vitro fertilization, doctors often need surgery to implant due to multiple eggs to enter a pregnancy stages. But many women fertilized eggs used to provide a only. Through cloning can well solve the problem. The eggs can be used more than cloning, which greatly improve fertilization pregnancy rate.









