

In the United States JR. Assembly made of four straight genius tennis young ryoma had for the dragon was the father of the heroic figure tennis south of kojiro's summon back to Japan, and into the house school garden medium of the department of youth tennis department. Tennis coach is the father of predecessors LongQi coaches, players to minister tezuka led guoguang, vice minister rock show ichiro, have excellent skill genius will not help the two weeks, is good at stunt play chrysanthemum between two pills, thorough data for the socialist dry zhen, a took the racket as if changed another man river village lung, laughter, anger, sorrow and happiness is the super TaoCheng candid personality appetite weapons and physical too a normal sea hall student. The dragon, though not how to recruit a defiant teammates loved, but his great strength to let people sit up and take notice, the actual ?


High school students detective work cane a new, known as "the Japanese police savior", "PingCheng s Sherlock Holmes." A time in and childhood girlfriend Maori LAN go to amusement park play, found that two action tricky black dress person. A new track them until the transaction, and the other a black dress person while its do not pay attention to him from behind a great down, and irrigation called APTX4869 under the mysterious tried to kill poison to kill him, but because he was back where the body of the side effects of the developing state of children. Considering the black dress person know if he's alive, around which will's friends and relatives affected, so a new use alias is "edo sichuan conan, send live in Maori joram, the home, want to with its father, as the detective's Maori small five lang's strength to find black dress person. ?



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11:15 12:00 13:55 15:55 17:55 20:00 22:10


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11:20 13:30 15:35 19:50 22:00
