The ball weighs in at an impressive 1,026g(Picture: Darren Thomas/Cover Images)









A Bristol man who has been saving the wax rinds of his Babybel cheese for more than two decades has spoken of his plans to hand it down through the generations after his death. Darren Thomas, from Yate, has been collecting the discarded wrappers from his lunchbox cheeses since he was 12 and is now the proud owner of a 1,026g ball of discoloured paraffin wax. Darren, 36, a railway operations delivery manager, said: ?I?ve had the ball since I was a<em></em>bout twelve. I remember just playing with the wax in my hands so I kept one and then added another the next day. It just grew from there. ?I keep it on my windowsill in my kitchen, that?s probably why it?s a little discoloured, but it?s the first thing people see when they walk into my house. They usually ask what it is, and when I tell them, they say it is disgusting.? Like Darren?s wife, who is not a fan. ?She hates it, but I won?t let it go. She thinks it?s stupid and a poor waste of my time; she says it?s unsightly and a load of crap. But I?m quite proud of it. I plan to hand it down to one of my children, probably my youngest one, as he seems to appreciate it for what it?s truly worth,? he said. The ball which is made up of up to 200 cheese waxes has seen better days, and needs tidying up a bit; he had to remove a wasp that was stuck in it and the glorious red has faded to an orangey, pink. Darren added: ?I used to work away a lot and would be away from home around 120 nights a year in hotels. The Holiday Inns I would stay at often had them at the breakfast buffet so I would nab a few each morning and take the wax home.? When: 23 Nov 2024 Credit: Darren Thomas/Cover Images **All usages and enquiries, please co<em></em>ntact - +44 (0)20 3397 3000EDITORIAL USE ONLY. MATERIALS o<em></em>nLY TO BE USED IN Co<em></em>nJUNCTION WITH EDITORIAL STORY. THE USE OF THESE MATERIALS FOR ADVERTISING, MARKETING OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL PURPOSE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. MATERIAL COPYRIGHT REMAINS WITH STATED PHOTOGRAPHER AND/OR SUPPLIER.**


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A Bristol man who has been saving the wax rinds of his Babybel cheese for more than two decades has spoken of his plans to hand it down through the generations after his death. Darren Thomas, from Yate, has been collecting the discarded wrappers from his lunchbox cheeses since he was 12 and is now the proud owner of a 1,026g ball of discoloured paraffin wax. Darren, 36, a railway operations delivery manager, said: ?I?ve had the ball since I was a<em></em>bout twelve. I remember just playing with the wax in my hands so I kept one and then added another the next day. It just grew from there. ?I keep it on my windowsill in my kitchen, that?s probably why it?s a little discoloured, but it?s the first thing people see when they walk into my house. They usually ask what it is, and when I tell them, they say it is disgusting.? Like Darren?s wife, who is not a fan. ?She hates it, but I won?t let it go. She thinks it?s stupid and a poor waste of my time; she says it?s unsightly and a load of crap. But I?m quite proud of it. I plan to hand it down to one of my children, probably my youngest one, as he seems to appreciate it for what it?s truly worth,? he said. The ball which is made up of up to 200 cheese waxes has seen better days, and needs tidying up a bit; he had to remove a wasp that was stuck in it and the glorious red has faded to an orangey, pink. Darren added: ?I used to work away a lot and would be away from home around 120 nights a year in hotels. The Holiday Inns I would stay at often had them at the breakfast buffet so I would nab a few each morning and take the wax home.? When: 23 Nov 2024 Credit: Darren Thomas/Cover Images **All usages and enquiries, please co<em></em>ntact - +44 (0)20 3397 3000EDITORIAL USE ONLY. MATERIALS o<em></em>nLY TO BE USED IN Co<em></em>nJUNCTION WITH EDITORIAL STORY. THE USE OF THESE MATERIALS FOR ADVERTISING, MARKETING OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL PURPOSE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. MATERIAL COPYRIGHT REMAINS WITH STATED PHOTOGRAPHER AND/OR SUPPLIER.**





A Bristol man who has been saving the wax rinds of his Babybel cheese for more than two decades has spoken of his plans to hand it down through the generations after his death. Darren Thomas, from Yate, has been collecting the discarded wrappers from his lunchbox cheeses since he was 12 and is now the proud owner of a 1,026g ball of discoloured paraffin wax. Darren, 36, a railway operations delivery manager, said: ?I?ve had the ball since I was a<em></em>bout twelve. I remember just playing with the wax in my hands so I kept one and then added another the next day. It just grew from there. ?I keep it on my windowsill in my kitchen, that?s probably why it?s a little discoloured, but it?s the first thing people see when they walk into my house. They usually ask what it is, and when I tell them, they say it is disgusting.? Like Darren?s wife, who is not a fan. ?She hates it, but I won?t let it go. She thinks it?s stupid and a poor waste of my time; she says it?s unsightly and a load of crap. But I?m quite proud of it. I plan to hand it down to one of my children, probably my youngest one, as he seems to appreciate it for what it?s truly worth,? he said. The ball which is made up of up to 200 cheese waxes has seen better days, and needs tidying up a bit; he had to remove a wasp that was stuck in it and the glorious red has faded to an orangey, pink. Darren added: ?I used to work away a lot and would be away from home around 120 nights a year in hotels. The Holiday Inns I would stay at often had them at the breakfast buffet so I would nab a few each morning and take the wax home.? When: 23 Nov 2024 Credit: Darren Thomas/Cover Images **All usages and enquiries, please co<em></em>ntact - +44 (0)20 3397 3000EDITORIAL USE ONLY. MATERIALS o<em></em>nLY TO BE USED IN Co<em></em>nJUNCTION WITH EDITORIAL STORY. THE USE OF THESE MATERIALS FOR ADVERTISING, MARKETING OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL PURPOSE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. MATERIAL COPYRIGHT REMAINS WITH STATED PHOTOGRAPHER AND/OR SUPPLIER.**