
好长啊 但是我翻译出来了:

Years may wrinkle the time old man quietly basked in invisible space between the woods on that day, playing fairies, already out of childhood red house, the green grass, bathed in the snow to rush to attractive maturity, in this clip the awaken of spring winter, we ushered in the annual vacations. Excellent! Finally had a holiday, we like from the cage bird fly as, and freedom, and happy and relaxed and cheerful, off this heavy physical bondage, in the boundless flying in the sky. Turn my holidays passed dozens of days, I began to feel boring, I began to miss my school life, and accumulation and reading became my greatest pleasure, to get up early in the morning hold book a roll, green tea cup organizer-selected whispers, relaxed, music curl, no exam, no homework the burden of the interference, heartily to read, read, and the authors conversation, in front of the experience accumulated track, this is how pleased! But such beauty, but in the left ten days rest assured, learn I found out, I think that before all lost, but I didn't give up, because I believe that "time like the water in sponge, milking can always crowded out." When studying sometimes heart has feelings, sometimes joy but your person forgets worry, I find that life is beautiful, so I have the beautiful thought. I began to create beautiful picture frames, sketch, exercises, electrotone, surfing the Internet, making small animation, busy I delight, I really understand a words: "beauty is everywhere some, for our eyes are not lacking beauty, but a lack of discovery." On vacation, and I know my eloquence is not very good, so I read a lot about speech and eloquence book, I also think my thoughts more progress, fuller, I want to use the psychological pressure of ideological beat me, but "one day.god dripping water wears away a stone, a brand-day work." Now I took the first step, believe that no one can straight step qingyun, believing that only there is a miracle, I will certainly succeed. I just found a life without books, like people without the sun, this is my holiday life. I think my holiday though not to travel, but my holiday very substantial. Holiday gives my wisdom in the books, for my birds on the wing, the book is like a ship; send me from narrow place load to the infinite sea. New wings might meet injury fold, but as Nietzsche's words: no reef block can arouse the beautiful spray. Therefore, I have to thank my vacation, my holiday really beautiful!

Time is like water flowing holidays is going to the end. This winter holiday I live very enrichment, although home alone, but I grew life common sense. Every day I enjoyed, also learned a lot, I think I grow up.

第一个计算机,是建立在1940年代他们比汽车!自那时起电脑已经变得越来越小。桌面电脑大小的电视机。一个大的书的大小。现在我们已经掌上型电脑。他们有足够的放在你的口袋里像一块巧克力。其他类型的计算机是如此的小,你可能并不知道他们。你有可能在电视、电话、或洗衣机。所以你可能对电脑的依赖你实现。现 这是常识,电脑是超级计算器。他们可以计算出非常快,很少让错误的答案。他们也可以输入,打印和吸引的东西。他们可以教你、玩游戏与你在一起时的感觉。更重要的是,他们能操控铁路和飞机和太空船。由于这些原因,我们通常称之为电子脑。

这个问题的答案是,随着时间的推移,‘不’你的大脑可以理解得更好,创造新的想法。然而,有朝一日,电脑可以做很多东西,人脑能做,甚至做得更好一些。例如,他们可能bebetter比医生在做他们的工作。 如果这是真的,这引起了一些有趣的问题。我们将会发生什么事,如果电脑能做我们的工作吗?我们将如何度过我们的生活吗?我们将会有什么呢?电脑可能会改变我们的生活,但是他们会使它们更好吗? 现在你甚至不需要知道怎样类型。你可以买一个程序,它能帮助电脑听出你的声音。你可以和计算机,它会服从你的命令,并写出你的信件!

当今许多电脑光盘或者dvd - rom驱动。一个dvd - rom能容纳数以百万计的写作,也可以包括,视频和声音。例如,你可以用你的电脑阅读名人,从历史和你能看到一张照片或视频,他或她,甚至听他们说话。有些人认为DVD-ROMs不久将会比书本
