本故事已获作者水娃娃授权在天天读点故事APP独家发布。 其关联账号“午夜奇谭”已被合法转授权发表,侵权必究。
栖霞山风景秀丽,竹林茂密。 坐在寺庙里,除了鸟鸣声,就是佛号声和钟声了。
殿内香火缭绕,莲花台上矗立着一尊佛像,面容慈悲,身躯金黄。 佛坛下,一对中年夫妇虔诚地礼拜——
“承蒙佛祖保佑,如果我夫妻能够如愿,抱住琳儿,我们就吃素三年,不!五年!不不,就算信女可以吃素一辈子她的一生……”女人抬起衣袖,擦干眼泪。 她五官清秀,是难得一见的美人,却因为这份悲伤,变得有些老气。
“阿弥陀佛。” 小和尚躬身行礼,白嫩的脸上流露出与年龄不相符的平静。
世界各地的人们来到寺庙要么是因为有麻烦,要么是因为有什么事情要祈求。 小和尚从小就在山里长大。 他听惯了佛经,看惯了人间的苦难。
夫妻俩本是信阳人,姓卢,也是一家人。 鲁大师心地善良,乐善好施,在信阳享有盛誉,但在子孙方面却有些为难。
陆家曾经有一个少爷,十一、十二岁的时候,就因为一场意外而死了。 后来,卢夫人又怀孕了,但都没有顺利生产。 三年内她流产七次! 担心家里风水不利,影响生意,陆先生三个月前就带着陆太太来到了临安市。
为了延续陆家的香火,陆夫人决定为陆先生纳两个小妾。 然而两位妃子也相继流产,卢老爷慌了,带着卢夫人到栖霞寺拜佛……
“师父,弟子明日要下山,师尊可否请教一下?” 小和尚跪在蒲团上,双手合十,一脸恭敬。
“过去佛陀割肉喂鹰,发愿救度众生,行走太空。无论你在哪里,将来处于什么境地,你都要做好事。” 虚云大师一脸平静,慈悲的看着星空。
“弟子谨遵师父吩咐。” 星空恭敬的躬身,额头宽阔,目光明亮,虽然年纪不大,却已经修炼出了高贵正直的精神。
家里来信说哥哥被花妖杀害了。 即使逃入佛门,在家书催促下,他也只能妥协。 大师闻言,说道:“先是人,后是僧人。行空是宰相最小的儿子。”
杏空告别了师父,忽然想起那对来求子的陆家夫妇,犹豫了一下,终于开口道:“师父,今日有一对夫妇来到庙里,弟子看上去有些奇怪。 ..”
“算了,你经历这些也是理所应当的。” 虚云大师站起身来,从枕头底下拿出一样东西,递给了星空:“这是凌天镜,可以突破阴阳,看清五行。如果你遇到绿衣人的话。”女人,把这个东西给她。”
凌天镜说它是一面镜子,但它并没有镜面,只是巴掌大小,通体洁白半透明,就像一个圆盘。 星空将凌天镜握在手中,顿时感觉骨子里透着凉意。
死者有老有少,有男有女,有官员有贵族,有贩子走卒。 他们之间没有任何联系,唯一的共同点就是死亡的模样——双目都流血流泪,眉毛紧锁,面容低垂,流露出无尽的悲伤和怨恨。
“他们死的时候都是孤身一人,有的就在家里的卧室里,没有任何外人的踪影。刑部派人调查了几天,恐怕不是人类所为。” ……他们偷偷向官员报告,只说凶手已经被抓获了。”
“今天国师来了,需要我帮忙寻找邪灵吗?” 南旭坐在琴箱前,右手抚摸着琴尾刻着的墨兰,长发随意的盘起,宽松的绿色衬衫让她看起来更加迷人。 又胖又瘦。
如果是其他人听到两人的对话,估计下巴都要掉下来了。 南旭虽然琴艺高超,但在玉楼春只是一个小琴师,但一向高傲不与世俗相处的国主却对她极为恭敬。
而南旭则一副理所当然的样子。 她坐稳了,背脊挺得笔直,冷笑道:“积德行善的事,本该交给各路神明,但上次你却帮我救了小花妖,真是太可惜了。”清除。”
“好的!南先生什么时候有空?” 秦连元向前走了两步,脸上露出惊讶之色。
秦连元原本是做好了被拒绝的准备的。 虽然他只见过南絮几次,但他也知道她脾气冷淡,不喜欢关心其他事情。 她还没来得及说话,就已经满嘴话了,南旭却这么爽快地答应了。 !
“择日不如撞日,现在就走吧。” 南旭起身,一手拿起了陆启琴,嘴角笑道:“国师三天的期限快到了。”
“姐姐,你要去哪里?带我,带我!” 一只白色的麻雀从窗户里飞了进来,一头栽进了方桌上的茶盘里——“哎!他奶奶的!太疼我家大人了!” 白鸟摇摇晃晃地站了起来,扬起翅膀,将额头抵在头上,发出哀嚎。
“糖饼吃多了,就不用坐飞机了。” 南旭皱起眉头,伸手戳了戳白月圆滚滚的肚子。
白月看了一眼英俊儒雅的秦涟源,脸色一红,连忙用翅膀遮住了小腹。 他又在桌子上打了个滚,片刻,一个粉嫩漂亮的女孩就出现在了他们的面前。
他看不清南旭的真身和修为,但他清楚地知道,眼前的白麻雀并不是什么非凡的生物。 白阙族是鸟族贵族。 六千年前,一只白色的麻雀受到众神的青睐,在他的麾下抚养长大。 整个白阙族乃至鸟族的地位都得到了极大的提升。 从此,雀妖不再被称为妖,而被称为雀仙。
阙氏族保持着自己的身份,并受到族规的约束。 世界上白麻雀的数量很少。 秦涟源第一次见到白月的时候,很惊讶,更好奇南旭的身份。
刚才还害羞的白月听到秦涟源的话,脸色顿时变了。 她张着漏水的喷壶一样的小嘴,向秦涟源疯狂喷洒。
“白月,别无礼!” 南旭微微挑眉,低声说道:“如果你不想去,就留在家里陪阿原吧。”
花妖阿原的灵魂很弱。 当她看到秦连元这样的正人君子时,吓得躲在花瓶里出不来。 听到南旭的话,阿原探出头来,紧张地看着白月。
密宗林原本并不叫密宗林,与其他树林没有什么区别。 只是这里地处临安市北郊,来往的人比较多。 但从三个月前开始,森林里突然变得浓浓的雾气,遮挡了天空和阳光。 猎人冒险进入山中,再也没有出来。 村民们纷纷前去寻找,只有一个人慌忙逃脱,大喊有鬼!
“小心!这片森林里有邪恶的东西。” 秦连元生怕南虚二人掉以轻心,于是警告道:“这怪物似乎能窥探人心,昨晚竟然幻化成我师父的模样来欺骗我!真是可恨!” !”
一向心高气傲,鲜有对手的秦连元,最近对人生有些怀疑了。 先是遇见了与天道争夺偷人的“疯子”南旭,又在森林里遇见了这个狡猾的恶鬼。 今日,他却被诡异雀仙白月无缘无故杀死。 喷吧!
灾难! 太难了!
“哼!我倒要看看,到底是什么样的丧心病狂的怪物,敢来安城装鬼!” 白岳伸出双臂,化作翅膀,飞向迷失森林的上空。
秦涟源捻了揉落在她肩上的白羽毛,担忧道:“……我还没来得及解释那恶灵的诡异,这样下去白仙子恐怕要吃亏了。” ”。
秦涟源被这笑得眼花缭乱。 等他回过神来,还想说什么的时候,却看到南旭的绿衣消失在了林口。
然而,白月一头扎入森林之中,立刻转身。 雾气挡住了前进的道路,沉重地压在了白月的翅膀上。 白月用力拍动翅膀,想要冲上天空,挣脱那诡异的雾气,但她越用力,雾气拉扯的她就越痛苦。
“靠!我不想飞了!有本事出来打架,那藏头露尾算什么英雄?” 白月气得收起翅膀,悬在空中嚎叫起来。
“哪个不要脸的妖精,不敢见人,躲在暗处做事!我白先生今天一定要剥了你的皮,抽筋了你,扔进锅里炖!” 白岳圆圆的大眼睛转动着,在空中用力跺着脚,一脸的愤怒和恼怒。
“嗯?” 雾气之中,似乎有声音传来。
白月又去听,却又没有声音了。 小女孩挠了挠头,这妖精果然狡猾啊! 正当她在心里点评着小恶魔的时候,空气中突然出现了一块白糖糕——糖糕软糯糯,白糖颗粒分明,空气中弥漫着一股甜甜的味道。
白月想,如果她站着不动,糖糕会不会跳到她嘴里? 然后—— 小女孩就不再动了,只张开了嘴,等待着喂食!
秦连元进入迷失森林后,就再也没有看到南旭的身影。 这片森林实在是太奇怪了。 我清楚地看到那个绿衫男子循着踪迹走来,却眼睁睁地看着他消失了。
和上次一样,秦涟源再次陷入了迷雾之中。 有了上次的经验,秦连元干脆盘膝而坐。 他星眸微闭,长剑置于身前,周身白光缭绕。
草木寂静,雾气渐浓。 它像一个物质一样包围着秦莲园。 从远处看,它就像一个巨大的白色茧。 中间的修士神色平静,似乎没有意识到周围的危险。
他用神识化作虚体,站在了真身的背后。 他仔细观察周围白雾的变化,短短几个呼吸的时间就挡下了数次攻击。
医书云:“头为人体之首,人神之气集中之处”。 大脑的本质是人体最本质的部分。 雾妖能够窥探人类的心脏,并改变其外貌,这可能与它吸收人类的大脑有关。 但如果有其他强大的手段,那就不用那么麻烦了! 如果你能保持心意,不被欺骗,就不用害怕。
秦涟源轻哼一声,道:“你这恶鬼终于开口了!” 他一边快速用神识搜索周围,一边吸引邪灵的注意:“你这个小邪灵居心不良,害了这么多生灵,就不怕被雷电惩罚吗?”
雾魔的声音稚嫩,但聪明绝顶。 秦涟源还没有查出它的真实身份,但已经被它察觉到了。
“兄弟,你不想知道你的师父是怎么死的吗?” 雾妖的声音渐渐变得空灵:“我告诉你,他是为了你而死的,呵呵呵呵……”
“小恶魔别乱说!我还能逃到哪里去!” 秦涟源挥动手中的长剑,对着浓浓的雾气狠狠刺去——
“嘿!” 雾气恶魔哀嚎一声。
“不知道南先生和白仙子怎么样了?” 秦涟源暗道,这两个人都是第一次来,别让小妖有机可乘了。
此时,首相府的西厢笼罩在一片白光之中。 星空小和尚站在八仙桌前,皱着眉头看着光源——凌天镜。
他正在冥想,手腕上的金刚结手镯突然脱落,正好落在凌天镜上。 随后,凌天镜白光大放,将红绳吸住,悬浮在半空。
天空中飘浮着一些影像。 星空记得师父曾说过,这凌天镜可以“破阴阳,见五行”,他隐约猜到了这种奇异现象的原因。
星空看着天空中的一幕幕,如同亲眼所见,眉头越发紧紧。 直到陆照明死了,红绳落地,星空才像从一场大梦中惊醒。 他拿起红绳,叹息道:“你也是个可怜人。”
凌天镜如有灵一般绕着星空转了三圈,发出嗡嗡的长鸣。 星空想起了师尊临走时所说的话,握着手里的红绳,圆圆的眼睛瞪大:“不好了!”
他下了马,用衣袖遮住眼睛,艰难地向前走去。 当走进森林时,星空感到一阵寒冷。 他紧紧抱住自己的身体,环顾四周。 明明是晴空万里的白天,森林里却仿佛是漆黑的夜晚。 抬头一看,森林遮住了天空和阳光。 这些树似乎比普通的树还要高。 它们张牙舞爪,露出凶暴的神情。 呼吸。
“姐姐!站住!” 白月突然翅膀一闪,停在了半空。 她紧张地看着下方的绿衣女子。 她想上前,却又不敢。
“呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜……饶我一命……先生,请饶我一命……” 这时,雾妖露出了童颜,跪倒在了南虚的脚下。
看起来就像是一个普通的五六岁的孩子,穿着一件红色的短排扣衬衫。 他长相可爱,乖巧,眉间有一颗朱砂痣,增添了几分古灵精怪的感觉。
“呵,不过是一个只依靠鬼魂之力的小雾魔,却敢化作他的模样?” 南旭面色平静,但声音却极其冰冷,黑发随风飘扬,眼中泛着血色。 移动。
“不行!姐姐再这样下去会失控的!” 白月咬着下唇,心狠手辣,护着头,俯身狠狠地打了南旭——
“嘿!” 白月翻滚了几下,果然被南旭身上的结界弹了回来,摔在了地上。
“白弦……白月小姐,你没事吧?” 秦涟源快步上前,担忧的问道。
“呵,她才不是那个倒霉的小妖,变成谁就是坏人,变成谁就变成……”白月咽了回去,差点咬到舌头,“如果不阻止她,就会出大事了! ”
一向大大咧咧的白月此时不禁有些担忧。 秦连元虽然不知道原因,但从两人的神情来看,他就知道有些不对劲。 他想了想,当场盘膝坐下,收敛神识,无声开口。
南旭身上的结界实在是太强大了。 大部分金色符文被击碎,连一丝涟漪都没有产生。 秦连元被反噬击中,脸色变得更加苍白,额头都冒出了冷汗,但他仍然咬紧牙关,不断地默念着。
“啊!对了!清心咒!我怎么没有想到呢!” 白月拍了拍脑袋,随后就意识到了。
白月的符咒显然比秦涟源的符咒要强大的多,而且还夹杂着雀仙的灵血。 南旭的动作愣了一下,眼中的血色微微褪去。
白月见状,神情大喜,喊道:“姐姐!醒醒!” 她继续前行,又向南旭催动了一张符咒。
南旭深吸了一口气,再次睁开眼睛时,眸光清澈。 她垂下眼帘,看着躺在地上的小恶魔。 雾魔此刻眼中充满了恐惧,全身都在颤抖,额头上的朱砂痣也变得暗淡起来。
小和尚气喘吁吁。 见雾妖没有生命危险,他抱拳,向南虚行礼:“施主,这雾妖与我们栖霞寺有些渊源,请手下留情。”
“栖霞寺?” 南旭微微皱眉反问道,显然不记得了。
“栖霞寺,我知道!你身后山上有一片桃林,那里有一个小和尚,酿的桃花酒特别甜!” 白月一跃而起,几步跑到两人面前,忍不住看向星空。 袖袋:“喂,小和尚!你带桃花酒来了吗?”
“哼,明明是有的!你不给我喝,你也不给他喝,你这个小气鬼!栖霞寺的和尚真是自祖辈出小气啊!” 白月哼了一声,转过头,抱着双臂,茫然地看了星空一眼。
南旭看着星空,惊讶道:“啊?” 她抬起右臂,星空感觉眼前绿光一闪,怀中的凌天镜猛然落入了对面女子的手中。
南虚揉了揉手中的小圆盘,凌天镜发出嗡嗡的声音,似乎是在回应。 星空有种失落感,他居然能察觉到镜子里的东西很舒服!
“有缘人?哈哈。” 南虚唇边笑道:“凌天镜并不属于你师尊,只是为你保留的。如今它物归原主,我不禁敬佩你师尊的厚爱。”
南虚转头看向雾妖,沉声道:“此妖作孽多多,栖霞寺你要保护它,我不会阻止,但秦大人有皇命。 ……我不能成为他的主人。”
“阿弥陀佛,栖霞寺不是为了这个雾妖,而是为了一切被它伤害的众生!” 星空念佛的时候,他的眼神和慈悲的表情,很像佛坛上的泥像。
听到星空的话,秦涟源一脸的苦恼。 他自然不希望那些无辜之人的灵魂安心,变成恶鬼。 不过,“星空小主人是怎么知道这雾魔的行踪和背后的秘密的?” ,这件事我已经调查很久了……”
“这真是巧合,似乎是天意。” ,你还记得陆兆铭吗?”
灵溪弱小的双眸微微一愣,眼中泛起水雾。 过了一会儿,它发出一声??呜咽的叫声。 哭声渐渐变大,也越来越悲伤。 终于,整个迷失森林都充满了灵汐撕心裂肺的哭声……
它本是栖霞山的灵气所生,是栖霞寺的香火和佛光所启发的。 距今只有300多年的历史。 按照人的年龄来说,他还是个孩子。 按照恶魔的年龄,他甚至还没有分出男性和女性。 “灵犀”这个名字是后来陆兆明给他取的。
如果陆兆明安好的话,灵溪大概还是个傻乎乎的小恶魔,天天盼着兆明哥哥陪他玩。 最幸福的事就是和昭明哥哥在一起……
那时,它没有名字,没有姓氏,没有性别,甚至不太聪明。 唯一值得称赞的就是,看起来还算乖巧。
那时正是春天,万物复苏、草长莺飞的好时节。 Eleven-year-old Lu Zhaoming took his family servant to the countryside for an outing. Under the clear sky, paper kites of different shapes competed with each other, but Lingxi spotted the butterfly-shaped paper kite released by Lu Zhaoming at a glance.
It simply likes and wants it, so it turns into mist and circles around the butterfly. Lu Zhaoming, who was leading the line, saw that the kite was obscured by fog and could not see clearly, so he pulled it down hard to take it back, but it had the opposite effect. He felt the pulling force on the other end of the kite, but did not say anything. He just told his servant that today was boring and he went home early.
The next day, he returned to the same place and saw a cute child in a red cardigan, playing with the butterfly kite and muttering: &34;Fly, fly.&34;
Lu Zhaoming is handsome, gentle and outstanding in academics. When mentioning the eldest young master of the Lu family in Xinyang City, everyone gives him a thumbs up. Lu Zhaoming is indeed smart and kind. He knew the difference between Lingxi and others, but still made friends with them and treated them with courtesy.
Friendship between the two is the most innocent.
&34;All the creatures in the world are ordinary, how can we talk about nobleness and inferiority? Lingxi is so cute, brother Zhaoming will naturally like it.&34;
Lu Zhaoming would go looking for Lingxi every once in a while to play, and by the way, he would teach Lingxi how to read, read and learn etiquette. Lingxi, on the other hand, often used the art of transformation to play tricks with Lu Zhaoming, pretending to be everyone he met. After getting to know Lu Zhaoming, Lingxi realized how pale and boring the past years in the mountains had been. 不幸的是,美好的时光并没有持续多久。
Lu Zhaoming was already weak and had insufficient yang energy. In addition, he had a close relationship with Lingxi Guo, which made him increasingly unstable and suffered from nocturnal wandering syndrome.
That winter, Lu Zhaoming fell ill and fell from the second floor of his home...
Late at night in the cold winter, the only sounds on the street are dogs barking. Lu Zhaoming did not die immediately after falling downstairs. He felt the cold clearly and struggled to crawl to the door——
The wind was howling, and the sky was extremely cold in the twelfth lunar month. The boy was naked, and his fingers dug into the bluestone to move forward, leaving blood stains all the way... He opened his mouth wide and called for help, but only a low cry came out. In the end, he was drowned in the in the wind.
The boy on duty was still dozing off on the second floor, completely unaware of his young master&39;s miserable condition and snoring loudly. The courtyard next door was where Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu lived. Mr. Lu heard the barking of dogs on the street, lit a lamp and got up, wanting to When he went out, he was stopped by Mrs. Lu again; a wild cat on the wall bared its teeth at Lu Zhaoming...
Lu Zhaoming watched and listened with fear and despair. He used his last strength to lie down by the door and knocked on the door. However, he was too weak and the sound was faint. There were only palm prints left one after another on the door.
When Lingxi arrived, Lu Zhaoming&39;s body was already stiff. It couldn&39;t wait to meet up with him tomorrow and wanted to see his brother Zhaoming earlier, but he didn&39;t expect that the goodbye would actually be a farewell.
It disappeared, lying on Lu Zhaoming&39;s body, crying bitterly, &34;Brother Zhaoming, get up, Brother Zhaoming, get up quickly!&34;
Lingxi doesn&39;t know life or death yet, but he also understands that his brother Zhaoming can no longer speak, move, or smile at him. It looked at the blood stains all the way in the courtyard, the bloody palm prints on the door, and Lu Zhaoming&39;s body that turned purple from the cold, and could no longer suppress the grief, anger and pain in its heart.
“接下来发生了什么?” Bai Yue wiped her tears on Nan Xu&39;s sleeve and asked urgently.
“然后?” Lingxi chuckled, and a light flashed across his forehead, &34;Later, I ate him.&34;
“啊?” Bai Yue&39;s sadness still lingered on his face, and his voice suddenly rose up in disbelief.
&34;I can&39;t let Brother Zhaoming leave me, never! Hehehe...&34; Lingxi touched the cinnabar mole on his forehead and whispered: &34;He is here.&34;
&34;After eating brother Zhaoming&39;s soul, I suddenly became smarter, and the vague and hazy blockage in my consciousness disappeared. I felt clearer than ever before.&34;
Lingxi stopped laughing, her eyes were bleak, and she fell into the memory of that winter night, &34;But my heart can no longer feel happiness. I know that those are the feelings of brother Zhaoming. He died alone in despair. What should be in his heart How scared, how could a good person like him end up like this?&34;
&34;How can Brother Zhaoming&39;s parents have a new child? If they forget Brother Zhaoming, he will definitely be very sad.&34;
&34;When they came to Lin&39;an City, I followed them. Lin&39;an City is really a good place. There are many smart people and many sad people...&34;
It ate Lu Zhaoming&39;s soul and the infant spirits of Mrs. Lu&39;s seven fetuses. It became more and more unable to control its appetite. It wanted something to fill the void in its heart. It couldn&39;t restrain it anymore after it arrived in Lin&39;an City. In its eyes, those who harbor sorrow are excellent tonics. It kills wantonly and hides in this mysterious forest, but it doesn&39;t know when the end will be.
“阿弥陀佛。” Xingkong recited the Buddha&39;s name and took out the Vajra knot bracelet from his sleeve, &34;This rope was something Lu Zhaoming had when he was alive. When he died, a ray of soul consciousness was hidden in it. The young monk used the Lingtian Mirror to trace back your two lives. only when people have passed by in the past can they know the secret.&34;
&34;It belongs to Brother Zhaoming...&34; Lingxi took the red rope with both hands and put it on his face, with a gentle expression on his face.
&34;Lingxi, if you enter the City of Wasted Death, Lu Zhaoming can be reincarnated and enter the six paths of reincarnation. Are you willing?&34;
&34;Consonance, yes.&34;
As soon as Lingxi finished speaking, a ray of white light condensed from the diamond rope. The light was extremely weak and stumbled towards Lingxi&39;s eyebrows.
There was no sound in the Lost Forest for a long time.
&34;Since you are going to the City of Wasted Death, the evil energy in your body is of no use. How about I collect it for you.&34; After Nan Xu finished speaking, he took off the treasure gourd from his waist and threw it into the air.
Lingxi let out a howl, with clouds of black energy pouring out of his body, and he went towards the treasure gourd of Qiankun.
&34;This...Mr. Nan, please be merciful.&34; Qin Lianyuan looked at the little boy who kept rolling on the ground, and couldn&39;t bear it.
Nan Xu glanced at Qin Lianyuan lightly, but said nothing.
&34;Qin Lianyuan, my sister is helping it! In a place like the city of vain death, if you have more evil nature, you will suffer more hardships. Your national teacher is too weak. Hey, the teacher&39;s family is unlucky!&34; Bai Yue was not polite. to ridicule.
Qin Lianyuan&39;s face turned red, and he coughed twice uncomfortably: &34;Ahem, so it turns out that Lianyuan misunderstood Mr. Nan.&34; He naturally ignored Bai Yue&39;s last emotion.
&34;Amitabha, this little benefactor is right. Mr. Nan is merciful and accepts evil spirits. Those who died in vain will feel less sorrow and unwillingness.&34;
&34;I&39;m not in the mood to think so much. I need the black energy, that&39;s all.&34; Nan Xu interrupted the conversation indifferently, waved his long sleeves, took back the gourd, and turned to leave. &34;The rest of the matter will be decided by the national teacher, and I will go first.&34;
Nan Xu walked lightly, her body shifted and changed, and within a few breaths, she disappeared.
&34;Eh? Sister, wait for me!&34; Bai Yue spread her arms and turned them into wings, and flew towards the sky. &34;Sister, you have to control, control...&34;
After Nan Xu left, she went directly to Donghai. It was half a month after Bai Yue found her. She snatched the shell of a clam spirit, fell drunk in it, and drifted with the sea water...
&34;Sister, I finally found you!&34; Bai Yue shook off the sticky sea water on her body, and complained, &34;If I can let my lord swim in the sea, you are the only one in this world!&34;
Nan Xu covered her eyes with her sleeve to block the sudden light, and said in a hoarse voice, &34;You don&39;t have to come looking for it.&34;
&34;Aren&39;t I afraid that you will cause trouble again? If they find traces... Hey, forget it, you have behaved well this time. You have neither turned the river upside down nor moved the mountains and the ground. My lord expressed that he is very satisfied.&34; Thank you.&34; Bai Yue shunned her hair, filled with emotion.
“他们怎么了?” Nan Xu narrowed his eyes, looking at the white clouds floating in the sky, lost in thought.
&34;They? Oh, Lingxi was sent to the City of Death by Qin Lianyuan and Xingkong, and those souls eaten by Lingxi also entered reincarnation...well, except for Lu Zhaoming.&34;
&34;Hey, I really don&39;t understand these mortals, Lingxi walked around the city in vain, his cultivation base was greatly reduced, he had only a few tenths of his life left, lost his mind, and couldn&39;t even maintain his human body, yet Lu Zhaoming wanted to accompany it! That kid is originally blessed, meeting Lingxi is really a disaster!&34;
&34;Catastrophe...&34; Nan Xu muttered to himself, touching the soul-locking jade tied around his neck with one hand, &34;It is indeed a disaster.&34;
&34;Ms. Lu is pregnant, and Xingkong took Lu Zhaoming to see her secretly. Lu Zhaoming said that he has neither hatred nor complaint, and now he hopes that Lingxixiu will return to his body, so that he can leave with peace of mind.&34;
&34;Lu Zhaoming, it&39;s really good.&34; Nan Xu stood up, glanced at Bai Yue&39;s swollen belly, and frowned: &34;How much white sugar cake did you eat?&34;
Those white sugar cakes made of mist remained in Bai Yue&39;s belly, making the little girl&39;s belly round. These days, Bai Yue didn&39;t eat anything, and every time she thought of this, she wished she could go to the city of death and beat Lingxi up!
&34;Lingxi probably didn&39;t expect it to enter your belly, so I can&39;t do anything wrong...&34; Nan Xu raised her hand to caress Bai Yue&39;s lower abdomen, and the little girl let out a comfortable moan.
Before releasing the harmful gas, Nanxu leaped far away: &34;You are not allowed to go home within three days, and come back after the smell is gone.&34;
&34;Ah? Nanxu, you are a ruthless and unjust woman!&34; Bai Yue frowned instantly, flapping her wings and chasing after her.